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College of Business Goals Academic Year 2013 - 2014 Goal 1: Increase Awareness of Academic Programs and Centers Goal 2: Maintain AACSB Accreditation Goal.

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Presentation on theme: "College of Business Goals Academic Year 2013 - 2014 Goal 1: Increase Awareness of Academic Programs and Centers Goal 2: Maintain AACSB Accreditation Goal."— Presentation transcript:


2 College of Business Goals Academic Year 2013 - 2014 Goal 1: Increase Awareness of Academic Programs and Centers Goal 2: Maintain AACSB Accreditation Goal 3: Maintain/Build Enrollment Goal 4: Promote and Enhance Applied/Experiential Learning Opportunities

3 College of Business Goals Academic Year 2013 - 2014 Goal 1: Increase Awareness of Academic Programs and Centers – Engage and expand college level advisory boards – Develop comprehensive print and digital materials for COB programs and centers – Strengthen and expand college level participation in external events – Pursue fundraising opportunities

4 College of Business Goals Academic Year 2013 - 2014 Goal 2: Maintain AACSB Accreditation – Take steps to align college with new accreditation standards – Promote excellence through impactful teaching, scholarship, and service – Foster relationships of mutual trust, transparency, shared governance, and communication among the college’s faculty, staff, students, and stakeholders

5 College of Business Goals Academic Year 2013 - 2014 Goal 3: Maintain/Build Enrollment – Host second annual COB Day on the Lawn – Participate in the University Major Fair – Develop plan to target students before 27 hours – Pursue funding for additional college level advisors – Work to obtain university support to advertise our graduate programs

6 College of Business Goals Academic Year 2013 - 2014 Goal 4: Promote Experiential Learning – Continue to partner with businesses on projects and case competitions – Continue to participate in Business Plan competitions – Promote travel abroad and exchange programs – Pursue opportunities to deliver workshops and non-traditional learning opportunities

7 2013 AACSB Accreditation Standards

8 2013 AACSB Standards Standards 1 – 3: Strategic Management and Innovation Standards 4 – 7: Participant Standards Standards 8 – 12: Learning and Teaching Standards 13 – 15: Academic and Professional Engagement

9 2013 AACSB Standards Standards 1 – 3: Strategic Management and Innovation –Standard 1: Mission, Impact, and Innovation –Standard 2: IC Impact and Alignment with Mission –Standard 3: Financial Strategies and Allocation of Resources

10 2013 AACSB Standards Standards 4 – 7: Participant Standards –Standard 4: Student Admissions, Progression, and Career Development –Standard 5: Faculty Sufficiency & Deployment –Standard 6: Faculty Development & Support –Standard 7: Professional Staff Sufficiency and Deployment

11 2013 AACSB Standards Standards 8 – 12: Learning and Teaching –Standard 8: Curricula Management & AOL –Standard 9: Curriculum Content –Standard 10: Student Faculty Interactions –Standard 11: Level of Evaluation –Standard 12: Teaching Effectiveness

12 2013 AACSB Standards Standards 13 – 15: Academic and Professional Engagement –Standard 13: Student Academic and Professional Engagement –Standard 14: Executive Education –Standard 15: Faculty Qualifications & Engagement

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