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Education exists in the larger context of society.

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Presentation on theme: "Education exists in the larger context of society."— Presentation transcript:

1 Education exists in the larger context of society.

2 Rigor/Relevance - All Why Do we need to think differently about education? What Needs to Be Done? How Do We Do It?

3 Skills Gap

4 Over the past two decades, technology and world trade created about 40 million more jobs than were destroyed in the United States. In the United States and many other countries, the demand for highly and specially skilled labor is rising. Gordon, Edward E. (2005). The 2010 Meltdown. Praeger. Two forces today are driving worldwide cultural change  globalization and technology.

5 Employment 1970’s High Skill Low Skill

6 Employment 1990’s High Skill Low Skill Semi Skill

7 Employment 2010 High Skill Low Skill Semi Skill

8 1970’s 1990’s 2010

9 Why do we care?

10 (Reflective Thought)



13 “New” Technology The curve is accelerating –Cell phones & Ipods “Super” Sunglasses Nanotechnology “You can always work at McDonalds…or can you?”

14 Info Tech Nano Tech Bio Tech 2000



17 Central Units’ Memory = 8 MB 2004 iPod = 4 GB 2005 iPod = 20 GB 2006 iPod = 80 GB 1964 IBM System / 360 Mainframe

18 Image source:

19 Image source:

20 Projection Keyboard

21 Projection Keyboard and Projector

22 Translation Goggles

23 Info Tech Nano Tech Bio Tech 2000

24 Info Tech Nano Tech Bio Tech 2004

25 Info Tech Nano Tech Bio Tech 2008

26 DNA-based computers Wireless electricity Plastic for blood Stem cell to grow human organs

27 Challenges Technology Globalization

28 Outsourcing Most MRI/CAT scan reports now read in India More U.S. tax returns prepared in India than the U.S. last year

29 Made in Japan vs. Made in China 60% of degrees awarded in China last year were in Science & Engineering –5% of degrees in U.S. China will graduated 350,000 engineers this year alone Three years ago, China became the world leader in producing consumer electronics Last year, China become the world leader in personal computer production By 2010, China seeks to be world leader in biotechnology

30 Number of Participants Intel International Science Competition U.S.50,000 China 6 Million SOURCE: Craig Barrett, CEO Intel

31 Regarding Competitive Advantage “If you look at India, China, and Russia… even if you discount 90 percent of the people there as uneducated farmers…you still end up with about 300 million people who are educated. That’s bigger than the U.S. work force.” Bob Herbert, New York Times

32 What do you see when you think of China?

33 China Today

34 Why do we care?

35 Start Working End Working Longevity 190020002100 47 62 77 21 62 14 18 107

36 Challenges Technology Globalization Demographics Values / Beliefs

37 Rigor/Relevance - All Why Do we need to think differently about education? What Needs to Be Done? How Do We Do It?

38 Hebrew proverb Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born in another time.

39 Sometimes, merely telling teachers to “think outside the box” is not enough.

40 “Change in teaching practice will not come from policy or mandate, but from thoughtful questions and reflection.”

41 Challenging Assessments Interdisciplinary Instruction Reading in the Content Area Relationships Use of Technology New Teaching Ideas Peer Teaching Observations Action Research Continuous Professional Development Increasing Rigor and Relevance

42 RIGORRIGOR RELEVANCE Rigor/Relevance Framework I repeat the definition but don’t have to think about it Improving the Rigor and Relevance of Defining Use graphic organizers to classify words Students work with peer groups to apply term in new setting Student compares the examples to real world examples High Low

43 RIGORRIGOR RELEVANCE Rigor/Relevance Framework I can guess what the teacher thinks is important Improving the Rigor and Relevance of Summarizing Analyze the elements of an image Summarize opponent’s argument in a debate Negotiate a summary with a peer High Low

44 RIGORRIGOR RELEVANCE Rigor/Relevance Framework I repeat the comparison given to me by the teacher Improving the Rigor and Relevance of Comparing I design my own classification I develop a classification system and can describe what I learned from it I apply the teacher’s comparison to new material High Low

45 RIGORRIGOR RELEVANCE Rigor/Relevance Framework Literacy in the 21st century Literacy in the 21st century will mean the ability to find information, decode it, critically evaluate it, organize it into personal digital libraries, and find meaningful ways to share it with others. High Low

46 Rigor/Relevance Framework KNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGE APPLICATION Assimilation C Adaptation D Application B Acquisition A Evaluation Draw conclusions that are justified 6 Synthesis Identify assumptions, reasons and conclusions Synthesize credible evidence Consider creative solutions 5 Analysis Develop and defend a well- reasoned position Analyze credible evidence Judge the credibility of the source Identify alternatives 4 Application Construct tests or experiments Marshal relevant evidence 3 Comprehension Ask clarifying questions 2 Awareness Define terms in their appropriate context 1 1 Knowledge in one discipline 2 Apply knowledge in one discipline 3 Apply knowledge across disciplines 4 Apply knowledge to real-world predictable situations 5 Apply knowledge to real-world unpredictable situations Demonstrate leadership skills & Self motivation and resourceful Apply what they learn & Accept responsibility for well being

47 RIGORRIGOR RELEVANCE A B D C Rigor/Relevance Framework TeacherControlled Control TeacherDirectedStudentControlled ExternallyControlled High Low

48 RIGORRIGOR RELEVANCE A B D C Rigor/Relevance Framework RightAnswer Did Students Get it Right? RationalAnswerRightQuestions RightProcedure High Low

49 KNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGE A P P L I C A T I O N Extended Response Extended Response Product Performance Product Performance Primary Assessments Rigor/Relevance Framework Portfolio Portfolio Product Performance Product Performance Interview Interview Self Reflection Self Reflection Process Process Performance Performance Product Performance Product Performance Multiple Choice Multiple Choice Constructed Response Constructed Response


51 “Teaching is only as good as the learning that takes place.”

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