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LIONS PROTOCOL Lion Dr JOSEPH T MOOLAYIL MJF District Co-ordinator Designate(Protocol )

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Presentation on theme: "LIONS PROTOCOL Lion Dr JOSEPH T MOOLAYIL MJF District Co-ordinator Designate(Protocol )"— Presentation transcript:

1 LIONS PROTOCOL Lion Dr JOSEPH T MOOLAYIL MJF District Co-ordinator Designate(Protocol )

2 A WORD ABOUT PROTOCOL  The association’s Official Protocol is designed to eliminate confusion regarding the proper recognition of Lion dignitaries.  It provides a simple and a definitive answer to the question: “Who comes first?” for purposes of introduction or head table seating,  If well followed, it gives a class look for the meeting.  Protocol, then, is merely a “salute to those lions who has contributed to the organisation in a splendid manner” or saying “Thanks – for everything they have done,

3 PROTOCOL RELATES TO MANY THINGS  Image building for the organisation before non Lions  Proper respect to and recognition of Lion dignitaries or VIPs  Proper Introduction of dignitaries at meetings.  Seating arrangements at conventions, charter nights, installation ceremony and other Occasions  Respect for speakers

4 DIGNITARIES ESCORTED TO THE DAIS  The chairman of the meeting or presiding officer shall be invited to the dais.  All others dignitaries are invited to the dais starting with those lowest on the Order of Precedence and end with the highest-ranking dignitary present.  The Chief Guest may be given an escort and a standing ovation.  Have a list of those who will be invited to the dais well in advance.

5 HEAD TABLE OF THE MEETING  Seating at the head table should be in accordance with established protocol  However, the guest speaker for any function should always be seated to the immediate right of the chair of the meeting.  If possible, there should be the same number of seats to the right and left of the presiding officer 6

6 FORMAL INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS  Introduction of the members at the head table should begin with the chairman of the meeting or presiding officer.  Introductions usually commence with those lowest on the Order of Precedence and end with the highest-ranking Lion present.  When spouses are present at the head table, they should be introduced with the member (e.g., District Governor Lion LRR Warrier and his wife, Lns Leelamoni)  When non-Lion dignitaries are present, a combination of local custom and common sense should be used in deciding at what point they should be introduced.  Be brief and the person introduced should stand up and greet the audience

7 MEETING PROTOCOL  Only the officer rendering welcome/ principal speaker is required by protocol to acknowledge all dignitaries present.

8 PROTOCOL- INTERNATIONAL LEVEL  1. International President  2. Immediate Past International President  3. International Vice Presidents by rank  4. International Directors  5. Past International Presidents  6. Past International Directors  7. Chairperson of Council of Governors  8. District Governors  9. Association Executive Administrator  10.Association Secretary  11.Association Treasurer

9 MULTIPLE DISTRICT LEVEL  1. Chairperson of Council of Governors (MCC)  2. Current Directors by rank then Past International Officers or  3. District Governors  4. Past Council Chairpersons  5. Immediate Past District Governor  6. Vice District Governors as per rank 1,2  7. Past District Governors  8. Multiple District Secretary  9. Multiple District Treasurer  10.Multiple District Chairpersons

10 OUR DISTRICT LEVEL PROTOCOL  1. District Governor  2. Chairperson of Council of Governors (MCC)  3. Past Council Chairpersons  4. Immediate Past District Governor  5. First Vice District Governor  6. Second Vice District Governor  7. Past District Governors  8. Cabinet Secretary  9. Cabinet Treasurer  10. District Chief Advisors  11. District Executive Committee Members/ District Co-ordinators

11 OUR DISTRICT LEVEL  12. Patrons  13. Advisors  14. District Councillors  15.Additional Cabinet Secretaries  16. Additional Cabinet Treasurer  17. Joint Cabinet Secretaries  18. Region Chairperson  19. Zone Chairpersons  20. District Chairpersons  21.Club President 22. Club Secretary 23. Club Treasurer

12 WHEN MORE THAN ONE HAVING THE SAME PROTOCOL IS PRESENT,  When more than one PID/PMCC/PDG is present, the one who served most recently is given precedence, and so on.  When more than one district officer with same district protocol is present, they shall be recognized according to the English alphabetic order of the first letter of their fully name.  If the first letter is the same, go to the second letter, and so on.  Region Chairperson of the region where meeting takes place has precedence over all other RCs  Similarly for the Zone Chairpersons.



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