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How it is the Structure and Function of Cognition Unfolds.

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2 How it is the Structure and Function of Cognition Unfolds

3  1. Born in Switzerland.  2. Worked with some “heavyweights” in France.  3. Concerned with manipulative behavior of children-- how they come to know things.  4. Developed an inductively built theory.  5. His influence here in the U.S.

4 A Theory is Made Up of Component Parts AssumptionsConceptsStructure The “givens of a theory accepted w/o proof The elements on which the theory is built What the theory “looks” like when it is graphically illustrated

5  Humans are biological organisms made up of reflexes and drives.  Humans are not passive in their development.  Humans a combination of genetic makeup and environmental influences.  Mental growth consists of two processes: (a) development and (b) learning

6  Schemata-- refers to cognitive structures.  Organization-- refers to the way schemata are organized and set up.  Adaptation-- refers to the invariant process of change in schemata.  Equilibrium-- refers to the cognitive balance that humans strive for through out development


8 Organize Schemata Adapt Schemata Assimilation Accomodation

9 Sensorimotor Period Pre-operational Period Concrete Operational Period Formal Operational Period

10 Sensorimotor Period Pre-operational Period Concrete Operational Period Formal Operational Period Plane of Thought Plane of Action

11  Substage 1: Reflexive or S-R Behavior  Substage 2: Primary Circular Reactions  Substage 3: Secondary Circular Reactions  Substage 4: Coordination of Secondary Schemata  Substage 5: Tertiary Circular Reactions  Substage 6: New means through Mental Combinations


13  Divided into 2 subperiods: The Preconceptual (2-4) and The Intuitive (4-7)  Major Characteristic: Symbolic Function evidenced by language, imaginative play, increase in deferred imitation.  Acceleration of language is regarded as an outcome of the development of symbolization, rather than the inverse.

14  Egocentrism  Centration  State Fixation  Unstable Equilibrium  Irreversibility  Transduscive Reasoning

15  Conservation of Volume  Conservation of Mass  Conservation of Number  Conservation of Length






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