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How much support is there for Maori students at MIT?

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Presentation on theme: "How much support is there for Maori students at MIT?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How much support is there for Maori students at MIT?

2 Kaumatua /Kuia – Institute Wide Kaiawhina – Kaitiaki of Nga Kete Wananga Kaiawhina – School of Health Studies (part time) Kaiawhina Maori Learning Advisor – Institute Wide Maori Advisor - Institute Wide Maori Advisor Maori Liaison Officer

3 AwhiTautokoManaakiĀrahirahiMutungaPowhiri

4 The institute encourages departments to participate in the powhiri held over three days at the commencement of each semester These are arranged by the Student Life Team, Maori Advisor and the Kaumatua/Kuia/kaiawhina Departments also have an opportunity to arrange their own powhiri with the kaumatua/Kuia/kaiawhina

5 Once students have been enrolled, Student Life Team organise class talks to students, department talks to staff The Institutes Student Guide contains information specific to Maori Students. Department handbooks contain or reference made to the same information as in the Student Guide Students are contacted by the Maori Advisor at the start of each semester Monthly meetings over lunch are organised Health Studies students are supported by their kaiawhina

6 Maori Advisor contributes to the pastoral support of students in a number of areas, i.e. Financial, childcare, social support, accommodation etc Student Life Team have a number of external agencies (Maori) on hand to assist our Tauira Maori Learning advisor provides Academic Support Peer support, opportunity available, whanau room nurses, whanau room at Te Tari Tauira are also directed to Kaumatua/Kuia

7 In all areas, pastoral and academic assistance confidentiality is paramount Families are contacted only at the request of students External agencies are guided by the Institutes Privacy Policy Issues are dealt with in respect of the tauira

8 Guidance is given in terms of integrating into the MIT culture by departments Departments are accountable for ensuring Rules and regulations are explained and given to Students Guidance to achievable outcomes by departments Guidance given to Departments by Maori Advisor Absentee issues Concerns in regards to Maori students Tangihanga and bereavement support Funding and Grants

9 The main Institute Graduation Ceremony (degree level) assistance from the kaumatua/kuia/kaiawhina Maori Graduation organised by Te Amorangi Office Many of the department graduation ceremonies are held at the Institute’s Marae, all ceremonies there are guided again by the kaumatua, kuia and kaiawhina Graduation statistics

10 2008 – 49 Graduates 2009 – 22 Graduands Institute Target for 2008 Completion 66% Target Achieved for 2008 64%





15 Kaumātua/Kuia - Chief advisory on Māori protocol in cultural and ceremonial matters - Oversee all areas of the Institute with respect to Tikanga Māori - Represent the Institute on the wider community - Act as kaitiaki for the Marae - Conduct and / or arrange ceremonies on the Marae - Undertake pastoral care for current Māori students - Advise on Tikanga Māori in the development of curricula as requested Kaiawhina - To service Nga Kete Wananga Marae, by performing cleaning and housekeeping duties as required and provide support for MIT Kaumatua and Kuia

16 Solely to awhi and tautoko nursing students Hikoi Kapahaka Tikanga Pastoral Academic

17 To offer a wide range of academic support within an inviting and friendly environment To empower students’ learning by providing individual and/ or small group academic sessions To provide study & learning strategies to enhance & develop their own active styles of learning To liaise with staff and provide in-class support and/ or workshops tailored to meet the needs of students Maintain continual dialogue with departments in regards to developments and progressions of student referrals made by staff (attendance, advancements…)

18 Pastoral support for maori Students Advise to Departments on Maori student issues Maintain statistics for Maori students Support for departments with high concentration of Maori students Follow up on early intervention of absentee issues Initiate contact with all Maori students



21 Powhiri Monthly Hui – Shared Lunch Activites Hikoi Pastoral Support Academic Support Kaumatua/Kuia/Kaiawhina Support Department Support Marae Availability – Wananga Maori Staff participation

22 I guess “YES” there is assistance for Maori students All support area’s accessible and publicised The underlying tensions are:  “Students not wanting to participate”  Continuous reiteration to departments of the support available  Continuity right across the Institute Do we allow them to be Maori?

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