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Special Educational Needs and Disability in our school

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1 Special Educational Needs and Disability in our school
New Code of Practice 2014

2 Aims of the session: Explain what the SEND Code of Practice is and the changes in the New SEND Code of Practice 2104 Definition of SEND What we provide for children in our school with SEND Parental involvement Questions

3 All children & young people are entitled to:
An education that enables them to make progress Be asked about their hopes and dreams for the future and to be listened to Achieve their best Become confident individuals Live fulfilling lives Make a successful transition into adulthood

4 The New SEND Code of Practice 2014
The Code of Practice is statutory guidance on duties, policies and procedures relating to Part 3 of the Children and Families Bill and associated regulations. All organisations listed within the code must have regard to it and must be able to demonstrate that they are fulfilling their statutory duty to have regard to this code. It has now been in place since September 2014. A guide for parents and carers

5 Definition of SEND Children and young people with SEN all have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children and young people of the same age. These children and young people may need extra or different help from that given to others. Children and young people with SEN may need extra help because of a range of needs: Communicating and interacting Cognition and learning Social, emotional and mental health difficulties Sensory and/or physical needs Many children and young people who have SEN may also have a disability. A disability is described in law (the Equality Act 2010) as ‘a physical or mental impairment which has a long-term (a year or more) and substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.’

6 Introduction: The 0-25 SEND Code of Practice - 13 years in the making
The SEND reforms build on the best practice over the past 13 years since the last Code of Practice was written. They aim to implement a new approach which seeks to join up help across education, health and care, from birth to 25. The reforms give schools the freedom to develop what works for them in partnership with their local authority, parents and young people.

7 Joined up support across education, health and care, from birth to 25
Participation of children, their parents and young people in decision- making. Early identification of children and young people’s needs and early intervention to support them. Greater choice and control for young people and parents over support. Collaboration between education, health and social care services to provide support. High quality provision to meet the needs of children and young people with SEN. Focus on inclusive practice and removing barriers to learning. Successful preparation for adulthood, including independent living and employment.

8 Local Authority Offer There is now increased co-operation with Local Authority to best meet the need of our SEND children. The Local Authority have published their ‘Local Offer’ This sets out in one place the provision that is available for children in the area who have SEND. This information is accessible to parents. We have our own local offer on our website to explain the things we offer in our school.

9 What is the local offer - video

10 What do we do in school? Referral made to LA for assessment for Education Health Care plan. If child continues to make less than expected progress, move to SEN Support. Increased, targeted interventions with support from outside agencies, if appropriate. CT notices that children are falling behind. CT and SENDco agree on short- term, needs specific intervention. Assess , Plan, Do, Review. Core Group – Needs met by differentiation Quality First teaching – High differentiation Monitoring Group SEN S EHC

11 A child centred approach
Assess Review Engage parent External support Wider support/specialist expertise Engage parent e Engage parent SENCO c Class/subject teacher Child or young Persons with SEN Class/subject teacher SENCO Wider support/specialist expertise Plan Do Engage parent

12 A graduated response: Engage parent Engage parent External support
Assess Review Engage parent External support Wider support/specialist expertise Engage parent e Engage parent SENCO c Class/subject teacher Child or young Persons with SEN Class/subject teacher SENCO Wider support/specialist expertise Plan Do Engage parent

13 ASSESS The teacher working with the SENCO should assess where a child is not making adequate progress, despite high quality teaching targeted at an area of weakness. They should draw on evidence from a clear analysis of pupil’s need such as: • teacher’s assessment and experience of the pupil; • information on pupil progress, attainment, and behaviour; • individual’s development in comparison to their peers; • the views and experience of parents; • the child’s own views; and • advice from external support services

14 PLAN/DO/REVIEW The teacher working with the SENCO identifies targets for each half term. These are outlined on an Individual Provision Map. These are put on hands with the children. This shows the ‘additional to or different from’ provision that your child will receive at three levels to meet these targets: They should draw on evidence from a clear analysis of pupil’s need such as:

15 Wider support/specialists
Assess Review Engage parent External support Wider support/specialist expertise Engage parent e Engage parent SENCO c Class/subject teacher Child or young Persons with SEN Class/subject teacher SENCO Wider support/specialist expertise Plan Do Engage parent

16 There are a range of agencies that can be accessed when needed:
The Educational Psychologist School Nurse and Health Visitor Educational Social Worker Sensory, Physical and Medical Teaching Team Speech and Language Therapist Physiotherapist Occupational Therapists Paediatrician EMS schools for ‘Speech, Language and Communication’, ‘Emotional, Social and Behaviour Difficulties’ and ‘Specific learning difficulties’. ASCOSS – Autistic Spectrum Condition Outreach Service Severe Learning Difficulties Team

17 Inclusion passport When outside agencies are involved an inclusion passport is made to outline and evaluate the strategies used. This continues up with the child through the classes to share information and then on to secondary school.

18 A whole school approach
Assess Review Engage parent External support Wider support/specialist expertise Engage parent e Engage parent SENCO c Class/subject teacher Child or young Persons with SEN Class/subject teacher SENCO Wider support/specialist expertise Plan Do Engage parent

19 Involving parents Parental involvement and engagement is a priority in our school and vital for the progression of children with SEND. We regularly inform your through s and there are opportunities to meet to discuss the provision at least three times a year. Half way through the year we send home a questionnaire for you to evaluate the provision being provided. There is an SEN Governor to offer advice and guidance. We would like to involve you in policy meetings and training meetings. School SEND Information report on website

20 CAN DO Assessment and EHCP
The CAN DO is a form that we can use to assess the level at which a child can do something. This is used within school to highlight the areas of weaknesses and plan for improved provision or when applying for an EHCP. If a child has complex needs and needs complex arrangements then a request for an Education Health Care Plan can be submitted. This is usually for children who are still not progressing after accessing providers from the local offer and using the SEN budget within their own school appropriately. Link to a video explaining the EHCplan

21 Help needed! I would like to put together a parent/teacher/governor committee to: Update the SEND policy in line with the new Code of Practice Update the parent powerpoint available on the website Run or be involved with any children/parent/staff workshops if you have an area of expertise which you would like to share.

22 Any questions?

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