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Contraception. Birth Control – Protect against unplanned pregnancy STIs – Protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

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1 Contraception

2 Birth Control – Protect against unplanned pregnancy STIs – Protect against sexually transmitted diseases

3 Teen Pregnancy 750,000 teens in the US become pregnant every year Most are unplanned

4 Abstinence Most effective way to prevent against pregnancy and STIs 100% effective every time! No intercourse, oral sex, or anal sex No opportunity for the sperm to meet the egg No side effects

5 Condoms Barrier method Male and female – Males – thin sheath worn over the penis – Females –sheath with a ring at each end; one end is closed and inserted in the vagina, the other end is open and is outside the vagina Work by keeping semen from entering the vagina

6 Condoms Cannot be reused Work 85% of the time Increases if always used correctly & effectively Effective against STIs, however, they do not protect against infections spread from sores on the skin (such as the base of the penis or scrotum) Cost: $0.50 - $1.00 each


8 The Pill Daily pill that contains hormones to change the way the body works and prevent pregnancy – Ovaries and the uterus Prevents ovulation – Females cannot get pregnant if they don’t ovulate because there is no egg to be fertilized Thickens the mucus around the cervix – Makes it difficult for sperm to enter Makes it difficult for the egg to attach to the uterus

9 The Pill 28 day cycles – 21 hormone pills – 7 no hormone pills – period Take pill at the same time each day When starting, should use additional contraception Does NOT protect against STIs 99% effective if taken correctly Cost: $15 - $50 a month; perscription


11 The Patch Thin, square patch that sticks to the skin Releases hormones through the skin into the bloodstream Hormones prevent ovulation Thicken mucous of the cervix Lining of the uterus Use based on menstrual cycle Change the patch once a week, for 3 weeks Fourth week no patch is worn

12 The Patch Applied to one of these areas: – Abdomen, buttocks, upper arm, or upper torso When starting, use an additional method of contraception About 92% effective Does NOT protect against STIs Cost: $15 - $50 a month; perscription


14 Intrauterine Device (IUD) T-shaped piece of plastic about the size of a quarter that is place in the uterus Two types – Copper covered – prevents sperm from fertilizing the egg; harder for egg to implant the uterus – Releases progesterone – thickens cervical mucus; possibly prevents ovulation >99% effective Does NOT protect against STIs

15 IUDs Must be inserted by a doctor Copper IUDs need to be replaced every 10 years IUDs with hormones need to be replaced every 5 years Cost: $200 - $400, plus the cost of having the doctor insert it and remove it


17 Spermicide Come in several different forms: cream, gel, foam, film, and suppositories Contain nonoxynol-9, a chemical that kills sperm before it can enter the uterus Can be used alone, but are more effective when used with another method of birth control, such as a condom or diaphragm Must be placed in the vagina before sexual intercourse – 15 minutes

18 Spermicide Only effective for an hour 70% effective Does NOT protect against STIs Cost: $0.50 - $1 per use; drugstore


20 Diaphragm Dome-shaped bowl, made of thin, flexible rubber that sits over the cervix Keeps sperm from entering the uterus by blocking the cervix Spermicide is put in the bowl and along its edges for added protection After sex, the diaphragm must be kept in for at least 6 hours, but not more that 24 hours Is removed by placing a finger in the vagina to pull it out

21 Diaphragm Each time it is removed, it must be washed, rinsed, and air dried, then stored in its case Should be replaced every 2 years 85% effective Does NOT protect against STIs Must get fit by a doctor Cost: $15 - $75


23 Birth Control Shot Long-acting form of progesterone – prevents ovulation Is given as an injection in the upper arm or in the buttocks once every 3 months 97% effective Does NOT protect against STIs Must be prescribed by a doctor Cost: $60, each injection (3 months)


25 Birth Control Ring A soft, flexible, doughnut-shaped ring about 2 inches in diameter inserted into the vagina, where it slowly releases hormones through the vaginal wall into the bloodstream Affect the ovaries and uterus to prevent ovulation; thicken cervical mucus; affect lining of the uterus Used based on menstrual cycle

26 Birth Control Ring Remains inserted for 3 weeks After 3 weeks it is removed for 1 week When starting, another form of BC should be used Ring held in place by the vaginal muscles 92% effective Cost: $30 - $50; perscription


28 Implantable Contraception a small, flexible plastic tube containing hormones that doctors insert just under the skin of the upper arm Hormones Can be used for up to 3 years >99% effective Doesn’t protect against STIs Doctor Cost: several hundred - $1000



31 Female Sterilization – Tubal Litigation “Tubes Tied” Permanent Woman has her fallopian tubes tied or closed Sperm cannot meet egg for fertilization Done in a hospital or out patient surgical center Effective immediately

32 Male Sterilization - Vasectomy Permanent Operation that prevents a man’s sperm from going to his penis His ejaculate fluid will never have any sperm in it Outpatient surgical center Takes about 12 weeks for sperm count to drop to 0 – use other BC until then Failures can occur early on


34 Douching When a girl rinses out her vagina with a solution, such as water and vinegar It does not prevent pregnancy! Hundreds of thousand of sperm can reach the uterus by the time a girl begins to douche The pressure may even push the sperm into the uterus Vagina has it own natural cleansing system DON’T USE IT – can lead to infection


36 Withdrawal Withdrawal is when a guy removes his penis from the vagina before he ejaculates (also called coitus interruptus or pulling out) Not an effective way to prevent pregnancy Pre-ejaculatory fluid If sperm is ejaculated close to the outside of the vagina, it can swim up into the vagina

37 Rhythm Method Females learn to recognize the days they are fertile, and not having sex before and during those days Women who have irregular cycles and who are not so careful often end up becoming pregnant


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