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THE UPS AND DOWNS OF COLLEGE ALGEBRA. Straight from the veterans of College Algebra... in their own words.

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Presentation on theme: "THE UPS AND DOWNS OF COLLEGE ALGEBRA. Straight from the veterans of College Algebra... in their own words."— Presentation transcript:


2 Straight from the veterans of College Algebra... in their own words.


4 I just never “got” math.

5 I used to hate it because I never really understood it.

6 No one in my family is good at math.

7 It’s been years since I’ve taken a math class!

8 I was really scared at first and seriously confused.

9 This was certainly my most feared class.

10 In other math classes, I remember hours and hours of tears.

11 I’d usually get frustrated and give up half way through.

12 Boy was I wrong! I have been dodging Algebra for years for fear it would be hard.


14 My success has a lot to do with how the packets are laid out.

15 Your step by step instructions make a big difference in my success.

16 I like the fact that you give us a lot of tools to use in this class. I really enjoy the videos and the PowerPoint presentations.

17 I didn’t care for the e-Book so I bought the textbook.

18 You didn’t have to sit in class and listen to the teacher re-explain stuff you already “got”.

19 This class just flows from one week to the next.

20 In a class room setting, I would not have been able to keep up with this pace.

21 Self-pacing helps both those who are good at math...

22 ... and those who need to take their time.

23 I really enjoy the practice tests. They help a lot in preparing me for the actual exam.

24 If you can pass the practice quiz, you're good to go for the actual exam.

25 I used to be a horrible test taker.

26 I felt so prepared that I actually enjoyed taking the tests.

27 The way this class is set up, you’d be an idiot to try to cheat!


29 Hard jobs are easier when you are interested and having fun.

30 Sometimes my co-workers even helped when I had trouble understanding.

31 Once I got on a roll and started understanding these concepts,

32 I really didn’t want to slow down!

33 I quite often work ahead because I enjoy working the problems and learning the next concept.

34 I really enjoyed the discussion boards where we had to research something related to math. I think that made the class much more interesting.

35 I catch myself looking at a structure or building and trying to figure out what equations were used to help in the construction.


37 I I like being able to do my schoolwork at any time of the day or night.

38 This class actually worked with my insane schedule.

39 I truly love the ability to learn on-line so I can still have a working marriage and family life with my two kids.

40 Hopefully I can keep these things in my head so I can help my younger kids when they have algebra questions.

41 I only regret that my grand-children will not have the benefit of taking the course from you.


43 To my surprise, taking a math class online was less complicated and a more enjoyable experience.

44 I didn’t feel nearly as much stress as in the classroom environment.

45 I hated math in high school but now I am really confident about it!

46 I just wish all the classes I have to take were like this one.

47 This was the best math class I have ever taken.

48 I never thought I would be this comfortable with Algebra.

49 I was able to open my mind and really LEARN math online.

50 For once I enjoyed a math course.

51 This is the first math class where I actually learned math and “got” it!

52 I can’t believe I did so well in a math class!

53 This is, by far, the best class I have ever taken.


55 It’s as if a light has come on. I’m so used to math being such a struggle but this time it hasn’t been.

56 Thanks for your support ~ it has been the key to my success.

57 Thank you for pushing me to do my best.

58 This class made me feel great!

59 Thank You for make Algebra a joy to learn.

60 This class ROCKS!

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