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Leasehold Forum Landscape Services 22 January 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Leasehold Forum Landscape Services 22 January 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leasehold Forum Landscape Services 22 January 2015

2 Why do our leaseholders need a forum? Julie and I are always on the end of the phone if you have questions or issues But - the same questions keep coming up – and it is clear that not all leaseholders really understand the terms of their lease We want to keep you informed about leasehold issues and the services provided by the Council We want to give you the opportunity to hear from our service providers and to speak directly to them

3 Landscape Services Our handbook advises this is: Cutting the grass during the mowing season (March to November) Pruning shrubs and hedges (Winter) Replanting and weeding of flowerbeds Collecting leaves from grassed areas Spraying weed killer on paths and drying areas

4 Landscape Services It also includes: Tree maintenance Fly-tipping Graffiti Collecting leaves Moss clearance (drying areas) Dead animals (in public places) Litter picking Reporting repairs needed to communal areas

5 Landscaping - SLA Grass Cutting – Clean, tidy and well maintained grass areas with an even uniform finish with no uncut parts or any standing stalks This is hindered by: Parked cars blocking access to communal gardens Cars parked on grass verges People not picking up after their dogs Trampolines or children’s toys Continuous wet weather

6 Landscaping - SLA Hedges – Neat, tidy, vigorous, dense hedges of an appropriate height and profile for their location that retain their barrier or other design intention but in a way that does not obstruct sightlines or overhang footpaths and roads, or encroach onto other maintained areas unless that is the intention of the design

7 Landscaping - SLA Shrub Beds – Clean, neat and healthy shrubs (and their beds) that are, and look, appropriate to their species and environment. Maintained in a way that does not obstruct sightlines or overhang footpaths, roads, windows, gas flues, etc. or encroach on any other maintained areas unless this is the intention of the original design.

8 Landscaping - SLA Street Care – An area free of litter and other environmental grime.

9 Landscape Service Charges Invoiced every six months Half of the annual charge – not representative of the current season All leaseholders pay the same Current charge is £39.59 per year + admin Equates to £3.71 pm, less than £1 per week Excellent value for money Need to have realistic expectations of the service

10 If you have issues For example: The grass has not been cut or the hedge or shrubs in your shared area need cutting back You have a tree that is causing problems Please report this direct to CS&G Email: Tel: 01442 228000 and say “Landscape”

11 Clean, Safe & Green team Simon Coultas, Operations Manager, Clean, Safe & Green has kindly agreed to attend this evening, to give a presentation and answer your questions

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