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Slide 1 Turning the Lecture on Its Head: The Teach-to-Learn Concept, Communities of Practice and the Future of Learning Van Weigel

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1 Slide 1 Turning the Lecture on Its Head: The Teach-to-Learn Concept, Communities of Practice and the Future of Learning Van Weigel

2 Slide 2 Copyright Statement Copyright Van Weigel, 2004. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

3 Slide 3 New Learning Ecosystems Is the Academy More Like a Fragile Coral Reef System or...

4 Slide 4 like this... a changing habitat but less fragile Two Forces for Creative Disruptive: students p2p technologies

5 Slide 5 Where Are We? Is Technology Enhancing the Experience of Learning? Have We Settled for Too Little? Have We Moved Beyond the Boutique Phase in E-Learning and Higher Education? What Barriers Stand in the Way of Further Transformation?

6 Slide 6 The Lock-In Phenomenon The Lecture Lock-In (Pedagogical) The ERP Lock-In (Organizational) The Client-Server Lock-In (Technological)

7 Slide 7 The Lecture Lock-In The lecture/discussion group model as a kind of organizing principle for higher education (which has been reinforced by the CMS) Focus on content acquisition and the efficient transfer of information from professor to student (Freire’s “Banking Approach”) Lecture content becomes self-authenticating because it will appear on the exam instead of relying on the need to be relevant or compelling in its own right.

8 Slide 8 The ERP Lock-In (Enterprise Resource Planning) CMS = RAD + ERP + CRM The rapid evolution of the CMS has required the centralization of information and has emphasized transactions management with a portal design bias Has this evolution been driven by more effective learning pedagogies or by administrative wish-lists?

9 Slide 9 The Client-Server Lock-In The Upside of Centralization: Efficiency The Downside of Centralization: Control and the Entrenchment of Technology Experts The Bias for a Trading Documents Model of Collaboration v. Real Time Interaction The Absence of Client-to-Client Awareness The Absence of Subversion: “What Can We Do” Takes Precedence Over “What Could We Do?” (e.g., BP’s Virtual Teamwork Program)

10 Slide 10 What the Groove Workspace has delivered... defines what Microsoft and Apple will be lucky to achieve by 2006. InfoWorld, February 14, 2003 Ray Ozzie

11 Slide 11 P2P Technologies and a Both/And Solution The Naval Postgraduate School (Groove + Blackboard) The Swarming Concept (Rand Study) Post-War Iraq and NGOs HP DARPA’s Anti-Terrorism Initiatives

12 Slide 12 The Lecture Lock-In and the Loading Dock Model of Education (The Social Life of Information by Brown and Duguid) Information is divided up into parcels and arranged neatly on pallets. The focus is on loading the cargo in the most efficient way possible (i.e., lectures). Preoccupation with the logistics of weight distribution and pallet sequencing—not on how the cargo will be ultimately used. The loaded cargo is certified through quizzes and exams and students are presented with an official bill of lading (i.e., grade transcript).

13 Slide 13 Consequences of the Loading Dock Approach Little opportunity to develop problem-solving skills beyond trivial “textbook” problems Focus on getting the answer right instead of how one arrived at the answer Skills and knowledge acquired in one domain are rarely applied to other knowledge domains—inhibiting the development of metacognitive skills Students become passive (and often bored) observers of “education” instead of active participants in the learning experience Learning is construed as a process of acquiring and certifying knowledge, instead of a process involving discovery and discernment.

14 Slide 14 The Biology of Memory Working and long-term memory involve separate pathways in the brain. Working memory is very limited in capacity (e.g. remembering names). New ideas come about by manipulating information stored in working memory to create new relationships that are stored in long-term memory (i.e., thinking). Learning involves the selection of synaptic pathways that are useful to us.

15 Slide 15 Knowledge Management Cognitive Apprenticeship Work Group Paradigm The Knowledge Room

16 Slide 16 Five Knowledge Rooms The Research Center The Skill Workplace The Conference Center The Debate Hall The Portfolio Gallery

17 Slide 17 IM and College Students The Pew Internet and American Life Project report, “The Internet Goes to College” (October 15, 2002), notes that that “College Internet users are twice as likely to use instant messaging on any given day compared to the average Internet user. On a typical day, 26% of college students use IM.” By contrast, only “12% of other Internet users are using IM on an average day.” The experience of connection v. media richness The Blog and the Illusion(?) of Connection

18 Slide 18 IM and Family Life

19 Slide 19 Preference for Immediacy Subversive Decentralization Enabling Innovative Coordinating Behaviors (e.g., Swarming) The Promise and Peril of Connection

20 Slide 20 The Shibuya Epiphany

21 Slide 21 “Go 2EDSA, Wear blck”

22 Slide 22 Empowering Students to be Educators Organization Articulation Reflection Re-organization Teach to Learn Although this claim has not been substantiated by research, it has been said that we retain 10% of what we read, 50% of what we see and hear, and 95% of what we teach.

23 Slide 23 Four Key Propositions of the Teach-To-Learn Model Discovery and discernment are critical learning activities. Collaborative learning flourishes on problem- based pedagogies that focus on studied ambiguity and degrees of difficulty—not divisions of labor. Every presentation/lecture should have at least one informed respondent. The ability to distinguish among levels of competency (through rubric-based assessment) is a principal learning outcome.

24 Slide 24 Groove’s Core Characteristics Profound decentralization with easy setup of collaborative workspaces (modified p2p application) A robust security structure (192-bit security with always on encryption) Ability to co-edit documents, do web tours, instant messaging, and share PowerPoint presentations with no instructor bias Online awareness Cost: $59 per student for the professional edition; relay server is free (with much lower institutional rates available)

25 Slide 25 A Groove Liability: the computer center... or a strength? The Wireless Tablet PC with Next Generation Voice Recognition?

26 Slide 26 Groove Demonstration of the Situation Room and Expedition Hall

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