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+ Formatting the First Page An MLA Workshop. + There are several steps to formatting the first page for an MLA essay… Setting Margins Setting Double Spacing.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Formatting the First Page An MLA Workshop. + There are several steps to formatting the first page for an MLA essay… Setting Margins Setting Double Spacing."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Formatting the First Page An MLA Workshop

2 + There are several steps to formatting the first page for an MLA essay… Setting Margins Setting Double Spacing Numbering Pages Setting the First Page Header This PowerPoint will walk you through the process of setting up the first page in Microsoft Word 2007

3 + Setting Margins 1. Choose “Page Layout” 2. Choose “Margins”

4 + Setting Margins Choose “Normal”

5 + Setting Double Spacing 1. Select “Home” 2. Click the small arrow in the corner of Paragraph.

6 + Setting Double Spacing Set spacing to “Double” Check “Don’t add space between paragraphs of the same style.”

7 + Numbering Pages First click “Insert” Then click “Page Number”

8 + Numbering Pages Choose “Top of Page”

9 + Numbering Pages Select “Plain Number 3”

10 + Numbering Pages Type your last name, and add a space after your name.

11 + Numbering Pages 1. Highlight your name. 2. Go to the “Home” tab. 3. Change your page number font to whatever font your instructor requests.

12 + Numbering Pages Click “Header & Footer Tools”

13 + Numbering Pages If your instructor does not require a number on the first page… If you are not required to number the first page, click “Different First Page” in the Header & Footer Tools

14 + Numbering Pages Close Header and Footer

15 + First Page Heading The four line heading belongs only on the first page. Your name, Instructor’s name, Course and Date Original title: No bolding, underlining, or italics.

16 + Remember… Every line you type in MLA is double spaced. The four line heading (your name, instructor’s name, course and date) is only on the first page. Your title should not have any special type (unless you are using another title within your title: A Summary of “A Rose for Emily”) No cover page is needed in MLA style. This first page is the first page you will turn in.

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