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Aden/o : gland.

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Presentation on theme: "Aden/o : gland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aden/o : gland

2 Adren/o : adrenal gland

3 Angi/o : vessel

4 Arteri/o : artery question: what’s the difference between a vein and an artery?

5 Arteriol/o

6 Arthr/o : joint

7 Atri/o : upper chambers of the heart

8 Balan/o : glans penis or glans clitoridis

9 Bronch/o, bronch/i Bronchiol/o

10 Cardi/o What muscle is working hard when you do a cardio workout?

11 Cerebell/o : “little brain” controls movement

12 Cerebr/o, cerebr/i Controls thought, imagination, judgment, decisions

13 Choledoch/o : common bile duct

14 Chondr/I, chondr/io, chondr/o cartilage

15 Chord/o cord, string

16 Cleid/o clavicle

17 Colp/o vagina

18 Cost/o rib

19 Cyst/I, cyst/o bladder, cyst, sac

20 Cyt/o cell

21 Duoden/o duodenum (first part of the small intestine)

22 Encephal/o brain

23 Enter/o intestine

24 Episi/o vulva

25 Fibr/o fibers

26 Gastr/o stomach

27 Gli/o gluey substance

28 Hepatic/o, hepat/o liver

29 Hist/o tissue

30 Hyster/o uterus

31 Ile/o ileum: final section of small intestine

32 Ili/o ileum, upper part of hip bone

33 Jejun/o jejunum, middle section of small intestine

34 Kerat/o horney tissue and cornea

35 Laryng/o larynx (voice box)

36 Lymph/o lymphatic vessels, lymphocyte

37 Mening/o membranes covering the brain and spinal cord

38 Metr/a, metr/o uterus

39 Myel/o bone marrow or spinal cord

40 My/o muscle

41 Myring/o eardrum

42 Nephr/o kidney

43 Neur/o nerve, nerves, nervous system

44 Oophor/o ovaries

45 Orchi/o, orchid/o testis, testes

46 Oss/eo, oss/I, ost/e, ost/eo bone or bones

47 Ovari/o ovary

48 Palat/o palate (roof of mouth)

49 Pharyng/o pharynx

50 Phleb/o vein or veins

51 Phren/I, phren/ico, phren/o diaphragm, mind

52 Pleur/o pleura, rib on side

53 Pneum/a, pneum/o, pneum/ato, pneum/ono lungs, respiration

54 Proct/o rectum, anus

55 Pulm/o lungs

56 Pyel/o pelvis or kidney

57 Rect/o rectum

58 Ren/I, ren/o kidney

59 Sacr/o sacrum

60 Salping/o fallopian or eustachian tube

61 Sarc/o flesh, muscular substance

62 Splen/o spleen

63 Spondyl/o vertebra, spinal column

64 Stern/o sternum

65 Tend/o, ten/o tendon

66 Thym/o thymus gland

67 Thyr/o thyroid gland

68 Trache/o trachea

69 Ureter/o ureter

70 Urethr/o urethra

71 Vas/o vessel or duct

72 Ven/e, ven/I, ven/o vein or veins question, do veins carry oxygenated or unoxygenated blood?

73 Viscer/o viscera

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