 When using the rotary cutter always walk with the blade closed. To open the blade place four fingers around the handle and slide the blade guard button.

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2  When using the rotary cutter always walk with the blade closed. To open the blade place four fingers around the handle and slide the blade guard button down with your thumb. Then place thumb on the groove by the base of the blade. If you are right handed this blade guard button you slide is the one on the left. If your left handed it is the button on the right. Only cut on the mat… or you will damage the surface and the blade and will need to pay for any damages. Use the transparent ruler to help guide the rotary cutter. Make sure your thumb and all fingers are on the ruler and NOT hanging over the edge Always cut in a forward motion, never toward you or sideways. Use a simple sliding motion….once is usually enough, NEVER slide back and forth and back and forth as if it were a saw.

3  To measure correctly when using this equipment put your fabric in the corner of the mat. Each full square is equivalent to 1 square inch. The edge of the mat is actually ZERO it is not one inch until you have moved over to the first line that is labeled 1. Line up the transparent ruler with the correct measurement mark on the mat. This will match both below and above the fabric. Double check the measurement by counting each square. This is similar to measuring with a ruler. You may need to measure backwards



6  To make a straight cut, place the transparent ruler on top of the fabric. Hold the hand not on the rotary cutter firmly on the transparent ruler making sure your thumb is not hanging over the edge. Then holding the blade correctly, slide the rotary cutter along the edge of the transparent ruler away from you. Use a small amount of pressure as you are sliding it away from you. When finished make sure it cut, repeat if needed, then turn the fabric and repeat the steps until all four sides of your square are cut. When you are finished check yourself by placing your cut square on your shaded area and make sure it matches. If not try again….If it does cut out a second. You need 2 4x4 squares.

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