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Cycles of Life By: Sierra Water Cycle Water, ice, and water vapor is always changing. Water vapor is gas. Adding and taking away heat. That’s what makes.

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2 Cycles of Life By: Sierra

3 Water Cycle

4 Water, ice, and water vapor is always changing. Water vapor is gas. Adding and taking away heat. That’s what makes the Water Cycle work. The Water Cycle Is also called the hydrologic cycle. In the Water cycle water from Oceans, Lakes, Swamps, Rivers, Plants, and even the water in you can evaporate and become water vapor. The Water Cycle will keep on going forever. You may have drunk the same water A dinosaur drank. The water cycle goes like this evaporation then it goes though condensation. After that it goes though precipitation. Than lastly it goes though surface run off. Evaporation is a liquid turning into water vapor. Water vapor is a gas. Condensation is water vapor turning into liquid or water. Precipitation is rain. Lastly surface run off is when precipitation lands on a mountain or a hill and it goes down it.


6 Plant Life Cycle First the plant is a seed. Then it germinates. After that it starts to grow leaves. Then it is pollinated. It grows and spouts it’s flower buds. Then it disperses it’s seeds. Then it starts again.

7 Incomplete Life Cycle

8 Eggs are laid by a frog. The eggs hatch and a tadpole comes out. The tadpole grows front legs. Soon enough it grows back legs. Now it is a frog with a tail. Very soon the tail disappears. When this happens the tadpole becomes a adult frog. That is how it happens. Then the cycle repeats again.

9 Complete Life Cycle

10 First eggs are laid by the female adult butterfly. Soon the eggs hatch. When this happens a larva or caterpillar comes out. The caterpillar will grow. Then it will go inside its Transition stage or cocoon. When it emerges it is a butterfly. Then that butterfly mates and the female will lay eggs. Then the cycle will reapeat.

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