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808 Main St. Fitchburg, MA 01420 978-343-6911 491 Dutton St Lowell, MA 01854 978.970.4710.

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Presentation on theme: "808 Main St. Fitchburg, MA 01420 978-343-6911 491 Dutton St Lowell, MA 01854 978.970.4710."— Presentation transcript:

1 808 Main St. Fitchburg, MA 01420 978-343-6911 491 Dutton St Lowell, MA 01854 978.970.4710

2 We partnered with Yahoo! Because… Yahoo! has more than 500 million users, reaching 3 of every 5 Internet users in the world, and 3 of every 4 in the U.S. comScore MediaMetrix WW, April 2008 and Yahoo! Internal Data

3 Yahoo! is in the top 3 position in 25 vertical categories.* Sports 1. Yahoo! Sports 2. ESPN 3. FOX sports on MSN E-mail 1. Yahoo! Mail 2. MSN Hotmail 3. AOL Email Groups (Custom)* 1. Facebook Groups 2. Yahoo! Groups 3. Google Groups Finance 1. Yahoo! Finance 2. AOL Money & Finance 3. MSN Money Personals 1. 2. Yahoo! Personals 3. Games 1. Yahoo! Games 2. EA Online 3. Disney Games Search 1. Google 2. Yahoo! Search 3. Ask Network Autos 1. eBay Motors 2. 3. Yahoo! Autos IM (application) 1. Yahoo! Messenger 2. MSN Messenger 3. AIM Web Hosting 1. Yahoo! Geocities 2. Lycos Tripod 3. Home Pages 1. Yahoo! FrontPage 2. Google Homepage 3. MSN Homepage Movies 1. IMDB 2. Moviefone 3. Yahoo! Movies Television 1. Yahoo! TV 2. AOL Television 3. MSN TV My ( Custom)* 1. My Yahoo! 2. iGoogle 3. My MSN Careers 1. Careerbuilder 2. Yahoo! HotJobs 3. Monster Reference 1. Wikipedia 2. Yahoo! Answers 3. Radio 1. Clear Channel Online 2. Pandora 3. LAUNCHcast Real Estate 1. Move Network 2. MSN Real Estate 3. Yahoo! Real Estate Music 1. AOL Music 2. Yahoo! Music 3. MTV Networks Music Shopping (Comparison) 1. 2. 3. Yahoo! Shopping Entertainment News 1. OMG! 2. TMZ 3. People News 1. Yahoo! News 2. MSNBC 3. CNN Travel 1. Travel Ad Network 2. Yahoo! Travel 3. Tripadvisor Photos 1. Facebook 2. Photobucket 3. Flickr Source: comScore Media Metrix, May 2008 Base: P2+ U.S. data.; Note: Homepages, My and Groups are not traditional categories in comScore’s service * Additional properties not shown: Yahoo! Weather

4 4 Source: comScore Media Metrix, August 2008 More Impressions and Audiences for you to reach Unmatched Reach In Your Local Market 68% of the Boston online audience uses Yahoo! Of the total online audience in the Boston DMA, 68% uses Yahoo! That’s 2.5 million monthly unique visitors. Add Yahoo! with your local and you have incredible online reach.

5 The Boston DMA

6 6 Local Online Market to Top $22B by 2012 Source: Borrell Associates, May 2008 “What Local Media Sites Earn – Annual Report.” 6

7 Local Online Ad Spending Growth Source: Borrell Associates (est.) (est.) Millions of Dollars LOCAL online ad spending in the Boston DMA has increased more than six-fold in the past five years! LOCAL online ad spending is expected to grow by more than $59 million in 2009.

8 The Yahoo! Targeting Advantage The Right Message to the Right User at the Right Time Yahoo! offers many unique targeting capabilities to find an advertiser ’ s most valued customers, eliminate waste and improve return on investment.

9 Key Targeting Products Behavioral Targeting “Engager” Demographic Targeting Geographic Targeting Based on Consumer Actions Behavioral Targeting “Shopper” Based on Segmentation Data Behavioral Targeting Life Stage & Income Levels Time-of-Day Targeting User System Targeting Frequency Capping

10 The Art of Targeting Profile DMA/Autos BT/ Male/25-34 DMA/Autos BT DMA/Autos BT/Male DMA Reach Efficiency TargetingCost

11 Yahoo! Behavioral Targeting Experience Joan is interested in buying an MP3 player Y! BT system begins to decipher her activity on the Y! network Based on what she does, how much and how often, she is assigned to relevant BT categories and served ads based on those categories. Search + Page Views + Search Clicks + Ad Clicks + Ad Views = Y! BEHAVIORAL TARGETING

12 Behavioral & Demographic Targeting Rates or & Yahoo! All prices include 1 layer of Targeting* * Additional targeting layers (behavioral or demographic) $5.00 CPM for 1st additional layer $3.00 CPM for 2nd additional layer $2.00 CPM for 3rd additional layer Demographic Targeting Available: Male/Female, Age. (Income available only on Behavioral Targeting offers you engagers or shoppers in 450+ categories on Yahoo!. Lrg Rectangle (300x250) $19.00 CPM Leaderboard (728x90) $17.00 CPM Skyscraper (160x600) $18.00 CPM RON (Run of Network aka Run of Site) or & Yahoo! To target a section add $2.00 CPM Examples of sections: Yahoo! (Maps, Weather, Local) - (Home, Sports, Lifestyle, Local News) Lrg Rectangle (300x250) $14.00 CPM Leaderboard (728x90) $12.00 CPM Skyscraper (160x600) $13.00 CPM Rate: $24.00 CPM If you add on additional layers the additional costs are: $5.00 CPM for 1st additional layer $3.00 CPM for 2nd additional layer To target a section add $2.00 CPM Behavioral Targeting offers you engagers or shoppers in 450+ categories on Yahoo!. Yahoo! Only BT - (Sold without Choose ad size; 300x250, 728x90 or 160x600 All prices include 1 layer of Targeting* Why behavioral target? Why waste impressions on customers who have not displayed buying behaviors? Why show customers products / services they have not showed an interest in? Why not ask us how to target Your Customers? Why behavioral target? Why waste impressions on customers who have not displayed buying behaviors? Why show customers products / services they have not showed an interest in? Why not ask us how to target Your Customers? Why behavioral target? Why waste impressions on customers who have not displayed buying behaviors? Why show customers products / services they have not showed an interest in? Why not ask us how to target Your Customers? Pricing: &

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