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Verbs Review of the three types. What’s a verb? Verbs express an action –Ex: bring, change, grow, consider Verbs express an occurrence –Ex: become, happen,

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Presentation on theme: "Verbs Review of the three types. What’s a verb? Verbs express an action –Ex: bring, change, grow, consider Verbs express an occurrence –Ex: become, happen,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Verbs Review of the three types.

3 What’s a verb? Verbs express an action –Ex: bring, change, grow, consider Verbs express an occurrence –Ex: become, happen, occur Verbs express a state of being –Ex: be, seem, remain

4 There are three kinds of VERBS 1.Action verbs 2.Linking verbs 3.Helping verbs

5 1. Action Verbs

6 Action Verbs Tells what action is occurring in a sentence. Expresses a mental or physical activity. Answers the question: “What is the subject doing?”

7 coughed choked awake ranride sang These are Action Verbs: clap

8 Action Verbs Practice What is the subject doing? Find the simple subject and its action verb: 1.He spoke French. 2.I wandered around the room yesterday. 3.The children sprung out of bed on Christmas morning.

9 Answers: What is the subject doing? Find the simple subject and its action verb: 1.He spoke French. 2.I wandered around the room yesterday. 3.The children sprung out of bed on Christmas morning.

10 2. Linking Verbs

11 Linking Verbs… do not show an action; they show a relationship. link or connect the subject of the sentence with a noun or an adjective in the predicate. subject LV noun subject LV adjective –Peanut is my toad.-Peanut is tiny.

12 Linking Verbs All forms of “to be” are called state of being verbs. Examples: am is are was were be being been became

13 Let’s Put it Together… Find the ACTION and LINKING VERB(S)… –Victor said his friend was pretty strange. Answer: ACTION VERB LINKING VERB Victor said his friend was pretty strange.

14 Let’s Put it Together… Find the ACTION and LINKING VERB(S)… –There are thirteen people attending my birthday party. Answer: LINKING VERB ACTION VERB There are thirteen people attending my birthday party.

15 3. Helping Verbs Help me!

16 Helping Verbs… work with a main verb to help you understand what action is taking place. –This is called a verb phrase. There could be more than one helping verb in a sentence. Examples: Helping Verb + Main Verb = Verb Phrase Dogs can run. I was sleeping. Artists can train others to draw. The student had been working on homework. The techniques could have been altered a little.

17 23 Helping Verbs am is are was were being been be have has had do does did shall should will would may might must can could

18 Helping Verb Practice: Directions: Identify the verb phrase. What are the helping verb(s) and main verb within it? 1. You can speak loudly in the gym. Verb phrase: can speak Helping verb: can Main verb: speak 2. The dog must have been chasing the cat. Verb phrase: must have been chasing Helping verbs: must, have, been Main verb: chasing

19 Directions: Break the sentence into complete subject and complete predicate with a vertical line. Underline the verb(s) in the complete predicate. Label its type (AV, LV, or HV).  We parked and locked our bicycles in the rack at the library.  Many, many resources were available there.

20 Answers Key: Action Verbs Linking Verbs Helping Verbs  We parked and locked our bicycles in the rack at the library.  Many, many resources were available there.

21 Directions: Break the sentence into complete subject and complete predicate with a vertical line. Underline the verb(s) in the complete predicate. Label its type (AV, LV, or HV). 3. I considered several books about wild animals. 4. All of the books had looked interesting.

22 Answers Key: Action Verbs Linking Verbs Helping Verbs 3. I considered several books about wild animals. 4. All of the books had looked interesting.

23 Look at your PCR book… …to answer questions 5-7 in the practice section of your notes.

24 Homework… Finish page 3 and complete page 4 of the verb packet 2 sided verb worksheet by tomorrow.

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