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US Government Edition 2008 The Amendments The Preamble.

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Presentation on theme: "US Government Edition 2008 The Amendments The Preamble."— Presentation transcript:


2 US Government Edition 2008

3 The Amendments

4 The Preamble

5 The Three Branches

6 The “Tough” Amendments

7 Stuff You Should Know

8 The “Tough” Amendments Amendments $100 $100 $300 $200 $400 $500 $100 $300 $200 $400 $500 $100 $300 $200 $400 $500 $100 $300 $200 $400 $500 $100 $300 $200 $400 $500 The Three Branches Stuff You Should Know The Preamble

9 Question: Name three of the five “Basic Rights.” Check Your Answer Topic 1 for $100

10 Answer: Speech, Press, Religion, Peaceable assembly, Petition the Government Back to the Game Board Topic 1 for $100

11 Question: Which right is granted by the Second Amendment? Check Your Answer Topic 1 for $200

12 Answer: Weapons and Militia: The right of the people to keep and bear Arms. Back to the Game Board Topic 1 for $200

13 Question: The Fifth Amendment deals with rights afforded an accused person. The Amendment stipulates two terms. Name one of the two. Check Your Answer Topic 1 for $300

14 Answer: People cannot be tried twice for the same crime, nor can they be forced to testify against themselves. Back to the Game Board Topic 1 for $300

15 Question: What is the third amendment? Check Your Answer Topic 1 for $400

16 Answer: Housing Soldiers: The federal government cannot force people to house soldiers during peacetime. Congress may pass laws allowing this during wartime. Back to the Game Board Topic 1 for $400

17 Question: What is the fourth amendment? Check Your Answer Topic 1 for $500

18 Answer: Search and Seizures: Provides for peoples privacy and safety. A police officer cannot search a person’s home or belongings without just cause. Back to the Game Board Topic 1 for $500

19 Question: Fill in the Blank: We the ___________ of the United States, in order to form a more perfect nation... Check Your Answer Topic 2 for $100

20 Answer: People Back to the Game Board Topic 2 for $100

21 Question: Fill in the Blank:... establish justice, insure domestic _____________, Check Your Answer Topic 2 for $200

22 Answer: Tranquility Back to the Game Board Topic 2 for $200

23 Check Your Answer Topic 2 for $300 Question: Fill in the Blank:... provide for the common defense, promote the general __________,

24 Answer: Welfare Back to the Game Board Topic 2 for $300

25 Question: Fill in the Blank:... and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our __________, Check Your Answer Topic 2 for $400

26 Answer: Posterity Back to the Game Board Topic 2 for $400

27 Question: Fill in the Blank:... do ordain and __________ this Constitution for the United States of America. Check Your Answer Topic 2 for $500

28 Answer: Establish Back to the Game Board Topic 2 for $500

29 Question: Which branch of government is established in the Article III of the Constitution? Check Your Answer Topic 3 for $100

30 Answer: Judicial Back to the Game Board Topic 3 for $100

31 Question: Who helps the president of the US when he faces a decision? Check Your Answer Topic 3 for $200

32 Answer: The Vice President, or a Cabinet member Back to the Game Board Topic 3 for $200

33 Question: Which court is the highest in the land? Check Your Answer Topic 3 for $300

34 Answer: The Supreme Court Back to the Game Board Topic 3 for $300

35 Question: Which branch of the government has the authority to make laws for the nation? Check Your Answer Topic 3 for $400

36 Answer: Legislative branch Back to the Game Board Topic 3 for $400

37 Question: What does “bicameral” mean? Check Your Answer Topic 3 for $500

38 Answer: It is made up of two chambers, the Senate and the House of Representatives Back to the Game Board Topic 3 for $500

39 Question: What is the seventh amendment? Check Your Answer Topic 4 for $100

40 Answer: Jury Trial in Civil Cases: In most federal civil cases involving more than 20 dollars, a jury trial is guaranteed. Back to the Game Board Topic 4 for $100

41 Question: What is the eighth amendment? Check Your Answer Topic 4 for $200

42 Answer: : Courts cannot treat harshly people accused of crimes or punish them in unusual or cruel ways. Back to the Game Board Topic 4 for $200

43 Question: What is the ninth amendment? Check Your Answer Topic 4 for $300

44 Answer: Rights of the People: The federal government must respect all natural rights, whether or not they are listed in the Constitution. Back to the Game Board Topic 4 for $300

45 Question: What is the tenth amendment? Check Your Answer Topic 4 for $400

46 Answer: Powers of States and the People: Any rights not clearly given to the federal government or denied to the states belong to the people. Back to the Game Board Topic 4 for $400

47 Question: How many amendments are in the Bill of Rights? Check Your Answer Topic 4 for $500

48 Answer: 10 Back to the Game Board Topic 4 for $500

49 Question: How many states are there in the US? Check Your Answer Topic 5 for $100

50 Answer: 50 Back to the Game Board Topic 5 for $100

51 Question: Which animal is the symbol of the US? Check Your Answer Topic 5 for $200

52 Answer: Eagle Back to the Game Board Topic 5 for $200

53 Question: In which country is the US actively engaged in war? Check Your Answer Topic 5 for $300

54 Answer: Iraq or Afghanistan Back to the Game Board Topic 5 for $300

55 Question: Who is the current First Lady of the US? Check Your Answer Topic 5 for $400

56 Answer: Laura Bush Back to the Game Board Topic 5 for $400

57 Question: Who is the current Governor of Georgia? Check Your Answer Topic 5 for $500

58 Answer: Sonny Perdue Back to the Game Board Topic 5 for $500

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