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For Missouri Commission PLEXOS Q&A for Missouri Commission.

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1 for Missouri Commission PLEXOS Q&A for Missouri Commission

2 Energy Exemplar is a leader in the technology of power market modelling. Energy Exemplar’s PLEXOS for Power Systems®. Our reach is global, providing software solutions, training, consulting and implementation services for the Asian/Pacific, Africa and South America regions. Collaborating offices in London, California and Connecticut provide support and consulting services for the European, West and East Coast American regions. Please visit Our class-leading software, PLEXOS for Power Systems® is a fundamental Power System simulation tool used for system planning and operation. It’s been used by regulators, system operators, utilities and consultants around the world. As of the 1st May 2013 worldwide installations of PLEXOS exceeded 765 at over 135 sites in 33 countries. Confidential & Proprietary Information2

3 3 Input Screen Does the software have blank input screens for inputting data? – Yes, we have input screen for entering data. See the screenshot below. If so please provide a sample of an input screen. If not, pleased explain how data is entered. If data can be entered from excel spreadsheets please provide a sample of an input excel spreadsheet. – Yes, the data in the input window can be easily copied from or to Excel for process. Confidential & Proprietary Information Input Screen Export to Excel using this button

4 Does the software accept bulk input data? If so, please explain the method to do so, and provide a sample of a bulk input sheet. Can an excel spreadsheet be used for multiple inputs. – There are two ways to handle bulk input data. One is very straightforward copy and paste from Excel. Another is Import from Excel. – See the attached Excel Input Sample for the import format. It can be imported from XML file as well. – PLEXOS provides an Import/Export Wizard. First, the user can enter several sample objects through the user interface. Then use the Export Wizard to generate an Excel Spreadsheet, and the next step is to follow the same format in the Excel Spreadsheet when prepare your bulk data. Finally, use the Import Wizard to import the bulk data into PLEXOS database. The Excel spreadsheet input can be reused for other databases. – The similar workflow can be used for transferring some data from one database to another database. Bulk Input Confidential & Proprietary Information4

5 Import/Export Wizards Confidential & Proprietary Information5 Export Wizard Import Wizard

6 Does the software allow for transfer of the output/results to an excel spreadsheet? If so, please explain the method to do so, and provide a sample of a excel spreadsheet with output data. If software only produces predesigned reports, please provide a sample of the reports. If software can produce custom reports, please explain method to do so, and provide a sample of such report. – The simulation output can be queried from the user interface and saved to excel spreadsheet. The user has the flexibility to query data by different dimension and pivot the data in different way. The query can be saved as a customized view so it can be reused in the future. See a sample excel output in the attachment. – PLEXOS can generate the output in Excel or compressed XML, MDB and CSV format. Output Processing Confidential & Proprietary Information6

7 Output Processing GUI Confidential & Proprietary Information7 Multi Dimension Query Object Filter Queried Report With Data and Chart Compare two scenarios Save your Queries Right Click and Save to Excel

8 Can individual inputs be changed for a generating unit without re-entering all the data for that generating unit? – Absolutely. From the user interface, the input can be modified for each individual object like generator, fuel, emission, etc. and for any single property. It has some basic excel operation feature embedded for the user to easily input and modify the data. Changing individual unit data Confidential & Proprietary Information8

9 Changing Individual Unit Data Confidential & Proprietary Information9 Directly Input or Modify on the cell

10 Can each of the following items for a 12 month run be produced in a report, both monthly and annually by PLEXOS? Unit Simulation Data Confidential & Proprietary Information10

11 Unit Simulation Data Reporting Confidential & Proprietary Information11 Object Class Filter Numerous Properties can be toggled on/off for each object class for report

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