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Wild Domestic Save Ozone holes Ozone layer Garbage Breathe Dangerous Disease Climate Atmosphere.

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Presentation on theme: "Wild Domestic Save Ozone holes Ozone layer Garbage Breathe Dangerous Disease Climate Atmosphere."— Presentation transcript:




4 Wild Domestic Save Ozone holes Ozone layer Garbage Breathe Dangerous Disease Climate Atmosphere

5 What is ecology? When the Man destroys the environment, how can we call the Man? What are destructive activities of people and kinds of pollution?

6 Water pollution oceans rivers seas lakes dirty water tons of oil are dumped there every year it is not drinkable sea- animals seabirds fish shellfish

7 Ozone holes, ultraviolet radiation direct sunlight can be dangerous skin cancer space flights

8 reuse recycle save reduce Disposing of the garbage

9 Water is--- for life on the Earth. Some plants and companies---into the water. A lot of fish ---in dirty and polluted water. 24 species of fish disappeared because of ---- of the Aral Sea. The Aral Sea was --- largest sea in the world. You can hurt yourself when you walk --- on the banks of our rivers.

10 What can make air clean? How is the ozone layer destroyed? Why are the habitats of many animals and plants destroyed? Why must technology bring apology to ecology?

11 Environmental protection is a --- problem. A) easy B) major C) pleasant Old newspapers, empty glass bottles, plastic can be ---. A) protected B) recycled C) filled --- of the garbage saves energy and mineral resources. A) Using B) Disposing C) Throwing Kitchen and garden --- can be burnt. A) equipment B) furniture C) trash

12 We pollute rivers and seas every day. People cut down the forests every year. Our government is discussing many ecological problems. Our class has already planted many trees and flowers in our school yard. We must protect our environment. Many factories and plants dump wastes into the lakes

13 Once there was a wise old man. He could answer any question in the world. Everybody knew about him. One day two boys said: « We are going to fool that old man. `We`ll catch a bird, go to the old man and say, We are holding something in our hands. Is it alive or is it dead?` If he says, `Dead`, we`ll let the bird fly, and if he says, ` Alive,` we`ll kill it.» They caught a bird and they carried it to the old man and they said, « We are holding something in our hands. Is it alive or is it dead?» And the wise old man looked at the young people and smiled. « It`s in your hands,» he said.

14 To plant trees clean streets feed birds during a severe winter take care of plants in the school yard What must we do to protect and save our environment?

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