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A South African Perspective Presenter: Dr Maria Kanjere

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1 A South African Perspective Presenter: Dr Maria Kanjere
The importance of ethics in the development of individual and group leadership A South African Perspective Presenter: Dr Maria Kanjere

2 Introduction Ethics form an integral part of any society that is serious about development. Society that does not have fundamental ethical principles is likely to be buried in moral decay The education system should therefore, purposefully focus on ethical leadership when developing individuals or groups for leadership roles Ethical leadership is a form of leadership that instills and practices appropriate ethical principles that are normatively accepted in society

3 Introduction continues….
Berghofer & Schwartz (2012) maintain that ethical leadership critically underpins any civil society, as people basically interact on trust This article argues that a multi-disciplinary approach to ethical leadership is essential in developing groups and individuals to be leaders

4 Ethical Principles underpinning ethical leadership in individual or group training
Leaders can draw concepts from various disciplines when instilling and practicing ethical leadership The multi-disciplinary principles underpinning ethical leadership can be well presented by the concept of “Ubuntu” or “Botho” Nyaumwe & Mkabela (2007) state that the moral philosophy of “Ubuntu” is premised on the reciprocal belief that an individual ‘s humanity is expressed through personal relationships with others in a community and in turn other people in that community recognize the individual’s humanity

5 Ethical Principles underpinning ethical leadership in individual or group training….
“Ubuntu” is reflected in the ethical principles such as trustworthiness, integrity, honesty, fairness, decency, respect, equity, justice and compassion Ethical leadership is also reflected in “Batho Pele Principles” or “People First” Ethical leadership strives to create an environment for growth and development as it provides equal opportunities for all.

6 The significance of ethical leadership development in schools
Ethics unite the school community and contribute towards a better society Ethical leadership goes beyond the borders of the school premises It embodies the purpose, vision and values of the institution It also connects the goals of the institution with those of the stakeholders

7 Practical activities that can instill ethical leadership in schools
Brown & Trevino (2006) are of the opinion that leaders who set clear principles and standards must be exact in applying them to themselves and others in order to be seen as ethical leaders Incorporate a mini reflection time in the school’s activities. Organize seminars and guess speakers from different disciplines to address the school on ethical leadership

8 Practical activities that can instill ethical leadership in schools…..
Develop and uphold moral values for the school Encourage debates on ethical and moral issues Classroom activities should incorporate case studies and narratives on moral standards Partner with organizations that instill discipline and promote good will in society Reward good conduct

9 Conclusion Ethical leadership is a team effort which all the stake holders have to buy into The principal and staff will have to play an exemplary role in modeling ethical leadership Learners should also be warned about the dangers of engaging in immoral and illegal activities Through networks and partnerships schools can contributes meaningfully to building of a sound and ethically conscience society

10 Thank You GOD BLESS

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