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MS Word (Insert Header) Outline: Open MS Word Select Insert Tab Select Header Tool Customize Header as Needed (Title, Page Number, Etc.) MLA Style Formatting.

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Presentation on theme: "MS Word (Insert Header) Outline: Open MS Word Select Insert Tab Select Header Tool Customize Header as Needed (Title, Page Number, Etc.) MLA Style Formatting."— Presentation transcript:

1 MS Word (Insert Header) Outline: Open MS Word Select Insert Tab Select Header Tool Customize Header as Needed (Title, Page Number, Etc.) MLA Style Formatting (Header) (Click to continue with instructions for this tutorial.)

2 Topics – MS Word (Page Layout) Page Layout (Insert Header) In this module we will cover the step-by-step process of inserting a header into a new document and format the header for MLA style requirements. Note that the steps for inserting a header into an APA style document are very similar, but the resulting formats are different. Step 1: For this tutorial you will start with a new MS Word document. Open MS Word and select the Insert tab. You will notice that there are several tools in the Insert tab, but for this exercise we are going to focus on the Header tool.

3 Note: For this exercise we are going to use the MLA header format Topics – MS Word (Page Layout) Page Layout (Insert Header), (cont’d) Step 2: Notice that there is a drop-down arrow next to the Header tool. If you hover your mouse cursor over the Header tool a brief description of the functionality of the tool will appear.

4 Topics – MS Word (Page Layout) Page Layout (Insert Header), (cont’d) Step 3: Within the Header drop-down menu window you can see several options. For this exercise we are going to select the first option, or the Built-In, Blank option. This is the easiest option for formatting to the MLA style requirements. Note: Once the header is selected it will still need to be customized for MLA format.

5 Topics – MS Word (Page Layout) Page Layout (Insert Header), (cont’d) Step 4: Select the first Built-In, Blank option, and notice that our header appears in the document within the edit header window. This is where we are going to format the header to match the MLA format requirements.

6 Checks for Learning Please select the best answer to the following question: You have received an assignment from your professor and he/she has asked you to use the MLA style formatting for your document. To insert a header into your document and edit it what tab must you select? The File tab. The Home tab The Page Layout tab The Insert tab Correct! You must use the Insert tab and then the Header tool in order to insert a header into your document.

7 Topics – MS Word (Page Layout) Page Layout (Insert Header), (cont’d) Step 5: The first step in changing the header format will be to set the header text field to the right alignment within the document. To do this we are going to select the Home tab. Once in the Home tab, select the Right Alignment tool in the Paragraph tools area. Notice now that the header text has shifted over to the right side of the page. Now you are ready to insert automatic page numbering.

8 Topics – MS Word (Page Layout) Page Layout (Insert Header), (cont’d) Step 6: Select the Insert tab and then place the mouse cursor over the Page Number tool. Notice that a pop-up window appears with a brief description of the Page Number tool functionality.

9 Topics – MS Word (Page Layout) Page Layout (Insert Header), (cont’d) Step 7: Select the Page Number tool and then carefully slide your mouse cursor over to the right of the Top of Page option. A new pop-up window will appear with the options for that tool. For the MLA format requirements we are going to use the Plain Number 3 option. Note: The formatting and content of the header is slightly different for APA format

10 Topics – MS Word (Page Layout) Page Layout (Insert Header), (complete) Step 7 (cont’d): Select the Plain Number 3 option. Notice that our page number now appears to the right side of the header near the top of the page. Next you simply add a space with the Spacebar key and type your last name.. For this example we have used “Doe”. When you have finished adding your last name, simply click on the Close Header and Footer button to the right of the edit header window, and you are ready to begin your paper. In this exercise we have gone over the step-by-step instructions for inserting a header and formatting it to the MLA standards. This concludes this exercise. You may exit this exercise by simply clicking you left mouse button, or use the Esc key on your keyboard.

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