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Fathom Overview Workshop on using Fathom in School Improvement Planning (SIP)

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Presentation on theme: "Fathom Overview Workshop on using Fathom in School Improvement Planning (SIP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fathom Overview Workshop on using Fathom in School Improvement Planning (SIP)

2 What is it? n Fathom is a software program that you can use to explore your SIP data –Produces tables, graphs, statistics,... –Exposes relationships that exist within the data

3 How is it used? n You can import data into Fathom from Excel and other programs n “Drag and drop” icons onto the page to easily create graphs and tables

4 How is it used?... n Allows you to explore data relationships –look at the same data in different ways –“highlight” data of interest in many graphs at once

5 The Fathom Document

6 Dynamic Statistics n Fathom documents contain objects that represent various ways of looking at data. n The objects in the document are dynamically linked to one another. –If one object changes, the others are automatically updated n This makes Fathom an ideal environment for exploring data.

7 Fathom Documents n Fathom documents contain text, data, tables, graphs, and other objects that display and analyze data. n Fathom documents are created by adding objects to the Fathom Window.

8 The Fathom Window the Menu bar the Shelf the Fathom document

9 The Menu Bar and Shelf n The Menu bar provides access to actions that you may wish to carry out. n The Shelf provides access to objects that you may wish to add to your Fathom document. the Menu bar the Shelf

10 Importing Data

11 Adding a Data Collection n To add a Collection to your Fathom document, drag a Collection off the Shelf n The Collection is currently empty

12 Using Spreadsheet Data n To copy data from a spreadsheet 1. Open the spreadsheet. 2. Select all cells that contain data and column headings (CNTRL-A). 3. Copy (CNTRL-C) the cells.

13 Using Spreadsheet Data n Go to your Fathom document n Select the empty Collection in your document n Paste (Edit  Paste Cases or CTRL-V) the data into the collection

14 Cases in Fathom n The individual “rows” of data in the spreadsheet are now “cases” in Fathom. n After pasting in data or importing, the Collection is now populated. Empty CollectionPopulated Collection Data Import

15 Viewing Data

16 Inspecting Collections n Double clicking on a Collection launches the Inspector n The Inspector allows you to view and edit the data and add new attributes Double click to inspect

17 Attributes and Values n Attributes represent what types of data are shown in each case. –Each case has a value for each attribute –Generated data may have a formula. attributesvalues case number

18 Inspecting Cases n Dragging open a Collection will show each case as an individual icon. n Double click on a case to inspect it. Drag corner to see full collection Double click to inspect

19 Adding Tables n You can view your data like in a spreadsheet by using a Table object 1. Select the Collection 2. Drag a Table object off the Shelf and onto the document Table

20 Using Tables case click to add new attribute n Use Tables to view, edit, or create new cases and attributes n Tables provide a “spreadsheet” style view of the data collection name case numbers attributes

21 Entering Data

22 Using the Inspector n You can add data to a Collection using the Inspector n Double click on the Collection to open an Inspector n Clicking on lets you create new data attributes

23 Adding New Cases n To add new cases you can either: 1. Select the Collection, and choose the menu item Data  New Cases 2. Right click on the Inspector and choose New Cases from the context menu

24 edit values navigate cases Editing in the Inspector n You can add new values for cases by typing them into the Inspector n Use the arrow buttons at the bottom of the Inspector to move between cases

25 Using Tables n Cases can also be added and edited using a Table n Select the Collection and drag a Table off the Shelf n Click on the cells to edit the values n Click on to add new attributes

26 Graphing Data

27 Creating an Empty Graph n To create a new Graph, simply drag a Graph object off the shelf and drop it into the document

28 Adding Data with Inspectors n Open an inspector on the Collection n Drag the attributes that you want to graph onto the axis n If only one attribute is dragged “count” is placed automatically onto the other axis

29 Adding Data with Tables n Create a Table for the Collection n Drag the columns that you want to graph onto the axis

30 Changing the Graph Type n When one attribute is plotted, the default graph is a “dot plot” n The graph type can be changed by clicking in the top right corner

31 Exploring Data

32 Different Views of Data n Objects in Fathom are dynamically linked n Selecting a Case in one object will highlight it in all other related objects

33 Selecting data n A selected group in one graph will be highlighted in all graphs Click on one bar to see the same group in other graphs

34 Summarizing Data n Summary tables give a a good overview of key statistics (mean, standard deviation, etc.) –Drag a summary table off the shelf –Drag attributes onto the arrows to be displayed either as rows or columns

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