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China’s First Civilizations Did you know the Chinese invented fireworks?

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Presentation on theme: "China’s First Civilizations Did you know the Chinese invented fireworks?"— Presentation transcript:

1 China’s First Civilizations Did you know the Chinese invented fireworks?

2 Looking Back – Looking Ahead In earlier chapters, you learned that many civilizations developed in river valleys. China’s civilization also began in a river valley, but mountains and deserts affected its development.

3 Main Ideas Rivers, mountains, and deserts helped shape China’s civilization. (page 277) Rulers known as the Shang became powerful because they controlled land and had strong armies. (page 278) Chinese rulers claimed that the Mandate of Heaven gave them the right to rule. (page 281)

4 Main Idea Rivers, mountains, and deserts helped shape China’s civilization. Huang He Tian Shan Gobi Desert

5 Rivers, mountains, and deserts helped shape China’s civilization. Huang He – Yellow River Flooded (China’s Sorrow) Destroyed homes/Killed people Left behind RICH silt Could grow LARGE amounts of food on very small farms

6 Nile Vs. Huang He Nile leaves 2 pounds of silt per cubic yard of topsoil Huang He leaves 57 pounds of silt per cubic yard of topsoil

7 Rivers, mountains, and deserts helped shape China’s civilization. Chang Jiang/Yangtze River Rich soil for farming Only 1/10 of China’s land can be farmed Most of land is mountains and deserts (bad for farms)

8 Rivers, mountains, and deserts helped shape China’s civilization. Mountains and Deserts separated China – Think about Egypt’s geography Himalaya – Southwest Kunlun Shan and Tian Shan mountains to the west Gobi Desert – Cold/Rocky…East of Tian Shan and Kunlun Shan

9 hamptonworldhistoryi.wi Huang He River Chang Jiang River Kunlun Shan Tian Shan

10 CHECK What were the two important river in early Chinese Civilization? Huang He and Chang Jiang What did the rivers provide? Rich silt – could grow a lot of food on small farms

11 CHECK What is the cold, rocky location east of the Tian Shan and Kunlun Shan Mountains? Gobi Desert

12 CHECK How was the effect of geography in China similar to the effect geography had on Ancient Egypt Geography (mountains/deserts) separated China from other civilizations


14 Main Idea Rulers known as the Shang became powerful because they controlled land and had strong armies. SHANG POWERFUL!! Controlled Land STRONG Army

15 Shang Dynasty Huang He Valley – First center of Civilization in China First Dynasty – Xia – Know almost nothing about them Dynasty A line of rulers who belong to the same family

16 Shang Dynasty 2 nd Rulers – Shang dynasty Anyang – China’s 1 st Capital City Used Bronze weapons to take over nearby areas Warlords governed territories Warlords Military leaders who command their own armies

17 Shang Dynasty King had LARGER armies to control borders Armies helped King keep power Aristocrats – warlords and royal officials (upper class) Aristocrats passed power from generation to generation

18 Shang Dynasty Few Artisans and traders MOST people were FARMERS Farmers did not own land Aristocrats owned the land Some slaves

19 Shang – gods and spirits People in Shang China worshipped gods and spirits. Tried to keep gods and spirits happy Angry gods and spirits were thought to cause bad events such as a poor harvest or loss in battle

20 Shang - Ancestors People in Shang China honored ancestors – offerings Hoped ancestors would bring good luck – help in times of need

21 Shang – Telling the Future Kings believed gods gave them special power and wisdom Priests scratched questions in oracle bones – hot metal rods made bones crack Priests interpreted the cracks as answers to the questions

22 Shang – Telling the Future Kings used answers from oracle to determine courses of action Scratches were first known Chinese writing

23 Chinese Writing Pictographs – pictures that represent objects Ideographs – pictures that represent ideas (2 or more pictographs combined)

24 Shang Artists Silk for fine clothes Vases/Dishes of fine white clay Statues of ivory and Jade BEST KNOWN for bronze objects

25 CHECK 1 st Chinese Capital Anyang Who ruled Shang territories? Warlords MOST Chinese people were…? They were farmers

26 CHECK Shang worshipped…?\ Gods and spirits – tried to keep them happy Shang honored who? Ancestors…hoped for help in time of need…good luck

27 CHECK Chinese writing used __ and __? Pictographs and Ideographs Shang artisans were best known for? Bronze objects


29 Main Idea Chinese rulers claimed that the Mandate of Heaven gave them the right to rule. Right to RULE

30 Cruelty = Loss of Power Shang Kings were very wealthy most other people were VERY poor Kings began to treat the poor with cruelty Zhou Dynasty results from rebellion

31 Zhou Dynasty Ruled for 800 years - longest rule in Chinese history King was head of government Bureaucracy under King Bureaucracy – appointed officials who are in charge of different parts of government

32 Zhou Dynasty Aristocrats (not Warlords) ruled territories Aristocrats passed rule of territories to son or other relative when they died King main purpose was to carry out religious rituals – the people’s link to heaven

33 Zhou Dynasty Zhou Kings believed they were in charge of China because the gods wanted them there Mandate of Heaven Gods chose King to rule with goodness and wisdom

34 Mandate of Heaven King expected to rule according to Dao (proper way) King’s duty – keep gods happy Bad harvest, loss in battle = angry gods = king failed People had the right to overthrow and replace the king

35 Mandate of Heaven Gave people right to overthrow evil King Clearly stated King was not a god Could only be questioned by overthrowing the king

36 New Tools Irrigation developed during Zhou Dynasty Iron plows increased food production = larger population Silk = important trade item

37 Zhou Dynast Falls Over time – rulers of territories gained power and set up their own states States battled each other – 200 years – Period of the Warring Stated

38 Zhou Dynast Falls Used swords, spears, crossbows Invented saddles and stirrups Qin defeated other states with huge cavalry

39 CHECK What is the Mandate of Heaven? Mandate of Heaven says the gods put kings in charge of China Importance of Mandate Kings had to be good rulers – gave people right to overthrow

40 Check Importance of Iron Plow Led to increased land farmed, increased population, increased trade Development that allowed Qin to create a cavalry and defeat other states during the Period of the Warring States Saddles and Stirrups




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