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Copyright © 2011, Terry Hudson.  Aristotle: “Rhetoric is the observance of all available means of persuasion.” - The Rhetorica Copyright © 2011, Terry.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © 2011, Terry Hudson.  Aristotle: “Rhetoric is the observance of all available means of persuasion.” - The Rhetorica Copyright © 2011, Terry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2011, Terry Hudson

2  Aristotle: “Rhetoric is the observance of all available means of persuasion.” - The Rhetorica Copyright © 2011, Terry Hudson

3  Invention  Logos  Ethos  Pathos  Arrangement  Style  Delivery  Memoria Copyright © 2011, Terry Hudson

4 Argument and Persuasion (p. 7)  Argument – uses evidence and reason to get agreement (conviction)  Persuasion – moves others from conviction to action (action)  Or, we “we may want to reserve the term persuasion” for changing opinions through both reason and other techniques (conviction and action) Copyright © 2011, Terry Hudson

5  Inform  Convince  Persuade  Explore  Make Decisions  Meditate  Pray Copyright © 2011, Terry Hudson

6  Past – Forensic  Future – Deliberative  Present - Epideictic (Ceremonial) Copyright © 2011, Terry Hudson

7  Fact - Did something happen?  Definition - What is its nature?  Evaluation & Causality- What is its quality?  Proposal - What actions should be taken? Copyright © 2011, Terry Hudson

8  Pathos – emotional  Ethos – writer’s authority and character  Logos - logical Copyright © 2011, Terry Hudson

9  Message (Logical)  Audience/Readers (Emotional)  Speaker/Writer (Ethical) Copyright © 2011, Terry Hudson

10  Emotion to build bridges  Emotion to sustain an argument  Humor Copyright © 2011, Terry Hudson

11  Authority – intelligence  Trustworthiness  Good will Copyright © 2011, Terry Hudson

12 Inartistic – hard facts and evidence  Statistics  Surveys and Polls  Testimony  Examples (Not listed by text) Copyright © 2011, Terry Hudson

13 Artistic – reason and common sense  Deductive  Syllogism and Enthymeme  Toulmin argument  Structures  Analogies (similies and metaphors)  Precedent Copyright © 2011, Terry Hudson

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