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Neil Perry Vice President iMedia Communications Insight Presentation: Behavioral Targeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Neil Perry Vice President iMedia Communications Insight Presentation: Behavioral Targeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Neil Perry Vice President iMedia Communications Insight Presentation: Behavioral Targeting

2 Agenda –What is Behavioral Targeting? –The Four Types –Case Studies

3 iMedia / Ponemon Study –Based on Media Director Reponses: 13% of 2005 Buys are Behavioral Targeting 21% of 2006 Buys will be Behavioral Targeting

4 What is Behavioral Targeting? –Targeting Web Users Based On Observed Behavior Target People, Not Pages

5 Four Types of Behavioral Targeting: –Publisher –Network –Ad Optimization –Computer

6 Publisher Side –Individual websites track behaviors, target consumers of like mind –Segment Audiences Auto, Pharma, Finance, etc.

7 Travel Industry Case Study –Unidentified Client –Publisher Side Behavioral Targeting + Dynamic Logic Study –Measures Actions & Attitudes

8 Travel Sector – Results: –100% Lift in reaching Business Travelers (vs. RON) –75% Lift in reaching Leisure Travelers (vs. RON) –18% Lift in reaching Travelers – planning trip in 6 months

9 Persuasion Metrics Up Brand Favorability and Purchase Intent Increased Brand Metric Measurement


11 Ad Network Side –BT Advertising Run Over Many Sites Broader Reach; Consistent Target Narrower Criteria

12 e-Diets –Buy included Behavioral Targeting, Contextural, and Run of Site Ads –Network - 800 sites –Drive visits to e-Diets –Drive Newsletter sign-ups –4X Frequency Cap

13 Health and Fitness Buffs Active Adults

14 * Index normalized to adjust for relative ad performance level differences among sites and sections where ads were distributed


16 Ad Optimization –An Ad Optimization Engine; a Decision Tool –Determines Appropriate Ad for Consumer at the Appropriate Time –Based on Past Site Behavior


18 Monster Case Study –Employed Network Behavioral Targeting + Ad Optimization Strategy –Dramatic Results


20 Monster Case Study –Drive employers to post jobs –Drive job seekers to post resumes –Behavioral Targeting delivered ads based on websites visited, time of day, geography, etc.

21 Ad Optimization Strategy –Target visitors to Failed to post resume –Ads delivered based on behavior Adjusted frequently

22 Monster Results !!! Jun 04Jun 05 Job Postings 20K 40K 60K 100K LeadBack implemented Over 590,000 jobs posted to date! 80K Sept 04Jun 05 10K 20K 40K 60K 30K 50K Resume Postings 63% Increase Nearly 300,000 resumes posted to date!


24 Netscape –Millions of Page Views –Potential ISP Conversion Opportunity –Portal Ad Unit

25 Ad Optimization - Netscape –Right Message, Right Person, Right Time –Deliver Intelligent, Informed Offers

26 Modeling –12% of Impressions Delivers 90% of Registrations –Only Best Prospects Get Ads Balance of Inventory Sold Off –Visitors Scored Instantly And get appropriate message

27 Increased ISP Registrations $16.5mm in Incremental Ad Revenue


29 Computer Behavioral Targeting –Computer Behavior Tracked in Total; Requires download of tracking software –Usually accepted in exchange for free programs –Results in higher conversions


31 Questions…contact: –Nick Johnson, Revenue Science –Bennett Zucker, Tacoda –Charles Whittingham, –Joseph Zawadzki, Poindexter

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