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The European Tree Frog ( Hyla arborea) Comenius 2012 Pauline, Zeynep, Luiza, Emily.

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Presentation on theme: "The European Tree Frog ( Hyla arborea) Comenius 2012 Pauline, Zeynep, Luiza, Emily."— Presentation transcript:

1 The European Tree Frog ( Hyla arborea) Comenius 2012 Pauline, Zeynep, Luiza, Emily

2 Index I.Characteristics –History –Outer appearance –Food –Reproduction –Habitat –Enemies II.Ecological Niche –Abiotic factor –Biotic factor

3 Index III.Reasons of extinction –Abiotic factor IV.Protection measures for the future V.Other useful information VI.Resources

4 I.Characteristics History –Until 1960 - > many tree frogs in Germany  Filling up of ponds in the 80s + use of pesticides = important spawning grounds disappeared –Used as a barometer because of possibility to predict so the weather –Forefather bony fishes (Osteichthyes)

5 I.Characteristics Outer appearance –Females: 5cm, 11-15 gr, rounded body –Males: 3 to 4.5 cm, 8-9 gr, big folded vocal sacs –green, grey, brown (depending on the temperature, humidity or their “mood”) –belly/abdominal skin: grainy and whitish colour  To hide from predatores, changing colour

6 I.Characteristics Food –carnivorous animals (flying and running insects) –Start searching for food when beginning at dusk –Prey animals are mainly found on the ground –Only eat moving insects –Sticky tongue very important

7 I.Characteristics Reproduction –October to March (rainy season) –Mating male screams very loud (the vocal sac blows up to the ternary size of the head) –Female puts a walnut-sized spawn in the water –A few days later the tadponds eclose –In the middle of July they leave as little tree frogs their water area

8 I.Characteristics Habitat –structured meadows and pastures –good structured landscape –sunlit areas –coppice, hedge –marshland, lakeshores, leaves and mixed forests –for spawns and polliwogs: small strech of water, e.g. pond, lagoon, fishless water zone

9 I.Characteristics Enemies –Pollywogs: water beetles, dragonflies and bugs –Frog: Herons and other predatory birds and waterfowl, rats, hedgehogs and grass snakes  notice danger - > tries to jump into the nearest stream or pond and swims away –Good eyes (round view) –Note every emotion

10 II.Ecological Niche Abiotic factores –Temperature –Pond or other water body –The water has to be:  sunny and not too densely vegetated shallow water areas  no environmental pollutants (chemical fertilizers) and nutrients in the water  Adhesive toes (“climbing frogs”)

11 II.Ecological Niche Biotic factore –Competition  Food supply  Number of enemies  Other animals of the same food  Species-specific stress

12 III.Reasons for extinction Abiotic factor –Cold-bloody animals –Need damp living spaces –Use small water bodies arise out of rainwater –Climatic change is responsible for less precipitation and higher temperature - > water bodies will dry out more fast

13 IV.Protection measures for the future Clean polluted waters Build own ponds (f.i. in the schoolgarden) New water bodies in forests Fences along roadsides

14 V.Other useful information Wise for a high quality of life Sociable frog Enjoys hiking The ecological balance of a landscape Much more mobile than other amphibian species –this allows him to colonize new habitats very fast

15 VI.Recources http://www.nabu-naturschutzstation- m _wandel.pdf http://www.biologie- faktoren-frosch.317/

16 Thank you for your attention!

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