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Outnumbered, Not Outsmarted. Atypical Pre-School Behavior The Impulsive Child – Aggressive behavior i.e. biting, hitting – Non-responsive to discipline.

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Presentation on theme: "Outnumbered, Not Outsmarted. Atypical Pre-School Behavior The Impulsive Child – Aggressive behavior i.e. biting, hitting – Non-responsive to discipline."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outnumbered, Not Outsmarted

2 Atypical Pre-School Behavior The Impulsive Child – Aggressive behavior i.e. biting, hitting – Non-responsive to discipline – Difficulty sitting even for short periods during circle time – Jumping from one activity to another – Nonstop talking – Intruding on others play – Unable to wait turn

3 The AD/HD Child Persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity and impulsivity More frequent and severe than other children at comparable developmental level AD/HD symptoms interfere with typical school functioning Very difficult to diagnose before 4 or 5 Must have symptoms in multiple contexts

4 The AD/HD Child – Social Features Difficulty sticking with a play activity, flit from one to the next Constantly on the go and into everything Looks as though the child is not listening May have low frustration tolerance and/or temper outbursts May be bossy Trouble following directions

5 Atypical Pre-School Behavior The Inflexible Child – Perseverative play (stuck on the same script) – Extreme difficulty transitioning from one activity to another – Melt downs when routines are changed – Unable to engage in imaginative play – Unable to follow game rules

6 Atypical Pre-School Behavior The Disconnected Child – Tone of voice is flat – Little eye contact with others – Little interest in others – Unable to engage in reciprocal questioning – Unable to go with the flow of others

7 The Child with Aspergers Severe and sustained impairment in social interaction Restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, and activities No clinically significant delays in language Appropriate cognitive development Like typical children, displays a curiosity about the environment

8 The Child with Aspergers – Social Features Lack of social or emotional reciprocity Nonverbal behavioral issues i.e. poor eye contact, flat facial expression Intense preoccupation with a singular focus i.e. trains, bees to the exclusion of others May exhibit odd motor mannerisms i.e. flapping of hands May have a staccato-like halt to vocal pattern

9 Atypical Pre-School Behavior The Socially Anxious Child – Often has a blank facial expression; may appear frozen – Seems extremely uncomfortable, unhappy – Has trouble initiating play – Is hesitant to respond to direct questions – Appears indecisive – May isolate him/herself

10 Common Feelings Anxiety Frustration Inadequacy Anger Helplessness Hopelessness Determination

11 Common Pitfalls for Managing Atypical Pre-School Behavior Bribes Threats Pleading Yelling Negotiating Punishment

12 Managing Impulsive Behavior Focus on the behavior you WANT not just the behavior you dont want Catch the child exhibiting positive behavior and praise immediately Shape behavior through praise Give one step directions Ask the parent(s) what works at home Redirect whenever possible

13 Managing Impulsive Behavior Let the kids know your expectations in advance Give choices Keep disciplinary statements short and sweet Use effective commands – Make sure the child is paying attention before you give the command – Give the command – Wait silently for compliance – Impose consequence if the command is not followed

14 Pit Stop to Practice

15 Managing Inflexibility Take the time to explain the rules of the game clearly Help the kids switch gears slowly Provide lots of encouragement Praise efforts and small achievements Offer clear choices whenever possible

16 Pit Stop to Practice

17 Managing the Disconnected Child Develop signal for eye contact Consistently offer opportunities to connect i.e. page turner during story time Give other options besides blunt expression i.e. I want to play by myself instead of I dont like you Make it a game: 3 cycles of reciprocal questioning Refer for professional help if needed

18 Managing the Socially Anxious Child Be as understanding, warm, and accepting as you can be Communicate that it is OK to speak when the child is ready Let the child and his classmates know that non-verbal communication is all right too Meet the child and parent before school in the morning, engage the parent, and allow child to simply observe

19 Managing the Socially Anxious Child Connect without pressure. Ask the child to help you set-up activities Use a matter-of-fact tone in response to the childs speech Make time for small group interactions Avoid direct questions which may provoke anxiety. Make observational statements instead.

20 Pit Stop to Practice

21 Temper Outbursts Goal is NOT to eliminate all anger Goal is to learn better control and expression of anger Get to know your students buttons Avoid pushing buttons unnecessarily; choose your battles wisely Use distraction Encourage self-control breaks

22 Helping Your Kids Cooperate Reward the whole class for positive interaction Stay away from punishing the whole class for one childs misbehavior Use the S.O.A.R. method! – S – Stop Action – O – Observe Aloud – A – Ask for Feedback – R – Reinforce Cooperation

23 Cooperation Help your kids tune in to their behavior i.e. Use Thumbs Up; Thumbs Down Let the kids know your expectations of them ahead of time Describe the problem Use I messages Reverse the negative to positive ratio

24 Pit Stop to Practice

25 Social Skills Games to Play at School Roll the Ball Passing the Eyes Group Drawing Pop Up The Never Ending Story Freeze Are you my friend?

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