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Pregnancy Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "Pregnancy Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pregnancy Vocabulary

2 Conception (#5) The act of becoming pregnant (fertilized egg implants into the endometrium).

3 (#22) Occurring before birth (during pregnancy).
Prenatal Period (#22) Occurring before birth (during pregnancy).

4 Trimesters (#16) Any of 3 periods during pregnancy, lasting 3 months each.

5 Embryo (#6) The developing human from implantation to the end of the 8th week.

6 Embryo

7 6 Week Embryo

8 Fetus (# 7) Developing human from 3 months (beginning of 9th week) until birth.

9 3 Month Fetus

10 Fetus

11 Placenta (#2) Pancake shaped organ that unites fetus to mother & acts as a filter.




15 Umbilical Cord (#4) Cord attaching fetus to the placenta, carries oxygen & food to baby & waste to mother.





20 (#3) Thin membrane sac, covering fetus, contains protective fluid.
Amniotic Sac (#3) Thin membrane sac, covering fetus, contains protective fluid.



23 (#8) Physical activities involved in giving birth.
Labor (#8) Physical activities involved in giving birth.

24 Contractions (#9) Rhythmic muscular movements of the uterus during labor.

25 (#17) Widening of the cervix (the diameter of the cervix gets wider).
Dilation (#17) Widening of the cervix (the diameter of the cervix gets wider).


27 Effacement (#18) The ridge of the cervix thins out, until it seems to no longer be part of the uterus.



30 Engagement (#19) When the head of the fetus drops low into the pelvis or birth canal.


32 (#20) Point at which head of fetus is visible at the vaginal opening.
Crowning (#20) Point at which head of fetus is visible at the vaginal opening.

33 Birth Canal (#10) Cervix, vagina, and vulva, fetus passes through during birth.

34 (#1) Placenta and fetal membranes that are expelled after delivery.
Afterbirth (#1) Placenta and fetal membranes that are expelled after delivery.


36 Postnatal (#23) Relating to an infant immediately after birth (APGAR Test).

37 Activity (muscle tone) 0 Limp; no movement 1 Some flexion of arms and legs 2 Active motion
Pulse (heart rate) 0 No heart rate 1 Fewer than 100 beats per minute 2 At least 100 beats per minute Grimace (reflex response) 0 No response to airways being suctioned 1 Grimace during suctioning 2 Grimace and pull away, cough, or sneeze during suctioning Appearance (color) 0 The baby's whole body is completely bluish-gray or pale 1 Good color in body with bluish hands or feet 2 Good color all over Respiration (breathing) 0 Not breathing 1 Weak cry; may sound like whimpering, slow or irregular breathing 2 Good, strong cry; normal rate and effort of breathing

38 Postpartum (#24) Six week period after birth for bonding and recovery.

39 Postpartum Depression
(#26) Series of mood swings and emotional changes after birth.

40 Breech Birth (#15) Fetus that is positioned buttocks or feet first in the birth canal.



43 Caesarean Section (#14) Surgical incision to abdomen and uterus for delivery of fetus.


45 Nurse Midwife (#25) Registered nurse with additional training in child birthing.

46 Lamaze Method (#12) Mental & physical preparation by mother, helps suppress pain by breathing.

47 Natural Childbirth (#11) Mother receives preparation to stay conscious with little or no use of drugs. Baby is born vaginally.

48 Leboyer Method (#13) Soft lights and use of a birthing tub to deliver baby into water, less traumatic.


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