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Louis XV. Nobility gained influence during his reign His ministers and mistresses influenced his action, controlling affairs of state and undermining.

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1 Louis XV

2 Nobility gained influence during his reign His ministers and mistresses influenced his action, controlling affairs of state and undermining the prestige of the monarchy – Madame de Pompadour Most famous mistress who influenced Louis decisions on foreign policy and appointments

3 Parlement High court of Paris Restored with the power to approve or disapprove the king’s decrees They did not approve raising taxes to pay for war debt (economy struggled)

4 Rene de Maupeou Appointed in 1768 as chancellor Ordered by Louis to subdue judicial opposition Parlement was abolished and members exiled New Parlement was formed to support the king Dismissed by Louis XVI and old Parlement restored

5 France in 1789

6 Advanced France was considered most advanced country in 18 th century – Population nearly 25 million (largest) – Wealthiest country in Europe – Productive economy – French culture dominated Language Center of Enlightenment Science Military

7 Three Estates First Estate – Clergy – Less then 1%, Owned 20% of land – Exempt from taxes Second Estates – Nobility – 2-4%, owned 25% of land – Exempt from taxes Third Estate – Everyone else – 95%, owning 55% of land – Only people taxed (land, church, income, poll, salt)

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