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Some thoughts!!. Frequently consumed foods Foods consumed occasionally.

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Presentation on theme: "Some thoughts!!. Frequently consumed foods Foods consumed occasionally."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some thoughts!!

2 Frequently consumed foods

3 Foods consumed occasionally

4 Infrequently consumed foods – but nutritionally important

5 Sequestration of metabolites in bone, fat and other tissues Plasma pool

6 Kinetics of metabolite appearance and disappearance in plasma Kinetics are metabolite specific Influenced by host genotype Does concentration fall to zero? Impact of repeated exposure?

7 Biomarkers of food intake - follow-up feeding studies (shorter and longer) -Impact of gut microflora - Use of an external marker - Use of stable isotopes to indentify food specific biomarker - Panels or single biomarkers - Quantification (how much orange juice) - Dietary patterns: panel of markers (PHN) -Biofluids: urine and blood; most practical

8 -metabotypes: -How to distinguish? -Numbers necessary to perform. -How many metabotypes? -Genotype: importance: need genotype metabolomic studies to put

9 Run-in diet: - necessary, improves the repeatability of the study - Length will depend on study in question

10 Concluding Remarks - Exactly what you do will depend on the study and questions to be answered

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