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Resurrectin g Hippocrates: Food as Medicine Meets Modern Science “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” ― Hippocrates.

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Presentation on theme: "Resurrectin g Hippocrates: Food as Medicine Meets Modern Science “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” ― Hippocrates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resurrectin g Hippocrates: Food as Medicine Meets Modern Science “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” ― Hippocrates

2 What Is Food? That without which we can not live(the molecular fabric and embedded Intelligence of our body is woven from food) Sacred/sacre n (to make holy) Holy/whole/health/heal What Is Medicine? Etymology : Latin ars medicina, meaning the art of healing. Asclepius, Greek god of medicine.

3 Are pharmaceuticals medicine? Etymology : "Pharmaceutical" derives from the Greek The term "pharmakos" later became the term "pharmakeus" which refers to "a drug, spell-giving potion, druggist, poisoner, by extension a magician or a sorcerer."

4 Food As Information “to put form into” Calories Macro/Micronutrients “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are” ~ Brillat-Savarin

5 The Protein Folding Mystery  Levinthal Paradox: There is not enough time in the universe to allow for a polypeptide to pass through all the degrees of freedom available to it to reach its native folded state.

6 Whole Food vs. Isolate  Vitamin C is not reducible to Its chemical backbone  Vs. whole food (food state)  Whole food is bound to lipids, sugars and proteins

7 The “nutraceutical” model  Monochemical/isolated  Palliative  Modeled after similar economics and placebo dynamic.  Reductionism/positivism/myopi a

8 Food As Information  Epigenetics/nutrigenomics  Conformational diseases  E.g. Cystic fibrosis; CFTR gene product misfolded; corrected/rescued with Curcumin/Genistein/Resveratrol

9 Food Farmacy  The body dialogs between food, producing metabolites, and widely orchestrated chemistries, enabling it to absorb or neglect to absorb a wide range of compounds, as needed.  SNPs are not a ‘death sentence.’ E.g. gluten-digesting bacteria and 5-MTHF is produced via bacteria in gut.  Angiosperm-mammal coevolution

10 Food As Information: Dialog  Gut Brain Axis  Co-Evolutionary (broccoli/intestine)  Food ‘pharmacy’  5-MTHF via biotransformation  The metabolome

11 Food As Information: Dialog  Gut Brain Axis  Co-Evolutionary (broccoli/intestine)  Food ‘pharmacy’  5-MTHF via biotransformation  The metabolome

12 Tissue Regeneration via Nutrition  Heart  Brain  Skin  Lung  Liver Germline Immortality/LUCA

13 Cephalic (Placebo-Nocebo)  Commensalism  Taste/Oral/Cortical Band  Deficiency/Plenitude  Phenomological  Orthorexia vs. Being Present (the nutritional value of pleasure and guiltlessness)

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