Yannick Jolliet Active Knowledge Information Management Governance.

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Presentation on theme: "Yannick Jolliet Active Knowledge Information Management Governance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yannick Jolliet Active Knowledge Information Management Governance

2 Play the mini-movie presenting the birth story of Active Knowledge, on

3 Slide 3

4 Slide 4

5 Slide 5

6 Slide 6

7 Slide 7StrategicTactical Operational

8 Slide 8

9 Slide 9

10 IM  PILLARS GOV. FACETS  COMMUNICATION COLLABORATION SEARCH & “VEILLE” DECISION MAKING KNOWLEDGE & ARCHIVE PEOPLE PROCESSES INFORMATION TOOLS = example of Governance Components: not exhaustive & not mapped into the Framework (to be done in context) = example of Governance Components: not exhaustive & not mapped into the Framework (to be done in context)

11 Slide 11

12 Slide 12

13 Slide 13


15 Slide 15

16 Slide 16

17 Info Life-Cycle  Info Type  CREATE Create doc, info, initiate workflows SEARCH SHARE & COLLABORATE Operational sharing with Team, Unit, Company, etc. RECORD Preserve Institutional memory Emails Tasks (wkflw)) General Info Documents Intranet Office 2002 Notes Mail Form on Intranet ( for Corp + Geneva info) Form on Intranet ( for Corp + Geneva info) Notes Mail Site Info DB (for local info) Site Info DB (for local info) Ref File File plan (Institutional Filing) File plan (Institutional Filing) Basic Search Declare Emails/Docs as Record: Step 1: attach doc (HQ) or Copy/Paste doc (Field) to email (manual) Step 2: drag & drop into “To be filed” (manual) File Emails/Docs Record: Step 3: File into File Plan (manual) Record process TEAMBOX & EMAILS (Operational Filing) TEAMBOX & EMAILS (Operational Filing) 1. Collaboration limited to UNIT 4. No internal tool to support Extranet access 2. Some Docs declared as Records only to allow cross-units sharing 7. Too many steps. No Automation Google Docs DropBox For Extranet access Google Docs DropBox For Extranet access 3. Collaboration via Ping-Pong of Emails 5. Extranet docs not in Ref File 6. Operational filing contaminated by File Plan

18 Info Life-Cycle  Info Type  CREATE Create doc, info, initiate workflows SEARCH SHARE & COLLABORATE Operational sharing with Team, Unit, Company, etc. RECORD Preserve Institutional memory Doc Sharing + Metadata (Operational filing) Doc Sharing + Metadata (Operational filing) Emails Tasks (wkflw)) General Info Documents Distrib. Lists for Groups Task Mgmt (STM) Office 2002 Notes Mail Form on Intranet ( for Corp + Geneva info) Form on Intranet ( for Corp + Geneva info) Notes Mail Ref File File plan (Institutional Filing) File plan (Institutional Filing) Basic Search Record process Intranet Site Info DB (for local info) Site Info DB (for local info) Metadata allow automatic classification based on RM Rules: e.g. “All in status are filed No drag & drop. (then only “Final” doc are processed by RM Rules) As RM Classification is automatic, no contamination of Oper. filing by File plan Direct leverage of the Active Directory Groups Accessible from Extranet No manual filing anymore

19 Info Life-Cycle  Info Type  CREATE Create doc, info, initiate workflows SEARCH SHARE & COLLABORATE Operational sharing with Team, Unit, Company, etc. RECORD Preserve Institutional memory Emails Tasks (wkflw)) General Info Documents Distrib. Lists for Groups WEB STM Task Mgmt Form on Intranet ( for Corp + Geneva info) Form on Intranet ( for Corp + Geneva info) Ref File File plan (Institutional Filing) File plan (Institutional Filing) File Emails/Docs Record: Step 3: Filing automatic Record process Intranet Full integration DM-RM: Doc saved directly with metadata into repository, when set to doc are automatically processed and filed accordingly Full integration DM-RM: Doc saved directly with metadata into repository, when set to doc are automatically processed and filed accordingly New Web version of STM Docs in STM can be declared as Records Web Solutions (intra/extra) Extensible Platform + Generic Templates Web Solutions (intra/extra) Extensible Platform + Generic Templates Event Mgmt Proj. Mgmt Etc… Team Space Platform (DM, Lists, Portal, components, calendar, doodle, Wiki, Forum, social, etc.) Mobility (Access from mobile devices + Offline) Intranet automatically archived Office 2002 Notes Mail Site Info DB (for local info) Site Info DB (for local info) Office 2010 + Metadata Outlook Web Form (for local info) Web Form (for local info) Basic Search Power Search

20 Demand Management Project Portfolio Management Idea & Suggestions Management Change & Projects Requests Support & Change Management Incident Management Training Management Change Management Delivery Management Project Management Methodos Solutions Provisioning New features & Apps Service Management Solution StoreSLAs / SOAs Service Offering Billing & Cross- Charging Visual Identity & Ergonomy Visual Identity Templates Navigation structure Infrastructure Management Sites inventory Monitoring & Reporting Security Management Decomissioning Features inventory Taxonomy & Info. Architecture Taxonomy / Folksonomy Metatadata / Term Store Search Scope & Strategy Data Migration Development & Customization Management Code Management Development Methodology Components Assembly


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