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Diane Cornell Vice President, Government Affairs Inmarsat, Inc

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1 Wireless & Satellite Hybrid Solutions Technology Breakthrough for Mobile Applications
Diane Cornell Vice President, Government Affairs Inmarsat, Inc SSPI Panel February 19, 2009 Inmarsat confidential

2 Background on ATC in L Band
L band is shared among multiple operators Primarily Inmarsat and SkyTerra in United States Current situation is that each uses small slices of interleaved spectrum that are not suitable for terrestrial systems Inmarsat & MSV (now SkyTerra) entered into a Cooperation Agreement in December 2007 to rationalize spectrum between us in a way that would enable ATC Harbinger has announced its intent to pursue ATC in the U.S. via acquisition of SkyTerra and Inmarsat Harbinger has an agreement with SkyTerra but not Inmarsat Inmarsat confidential

3 Challenges for ATC Capital, capital, capital
Gating criteria create complications compared to “clean” auctioned spectrum Spectrum is shared between MSS & terrestrial Integration requirement What’s NOT a challenge: Regulatory framework Technical feasibility Inmarsat confidential

4 Opportunities for ATC While the freeze in capital markets will likely delay deployment of ATC in the near term, the longer term prospects are promising Broadband applications will continue to suck up a lot of bandwidth The “pipeline” for terrestrial spectrum is drying up MSS has a unique ability to serve rural and remote underserved locations cost-effectively National footprint is a huge advantage Mobility and ubiquity will offer a comparative advantage Inmarsat confidential

5 ATC on the road Europe has allocated spectrum for MSS at S band
The European proceeding specifically contemplates Complementary Ground Component (CGC) at S band European selection of S band operators will be finalized shortly European member states are developing CGC regulatory frameworks Inmarsat confidential

6 Questions? Diane Cornell Vice President, Government Affairs
Inmarsat Inc, Washington, D.C. (202) Inmarsat confidential

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