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Vocabulary Level F Unit 7 Part B. infractionredoubtable mitigatereprove pillagerestitution pratestalwart punctiliousvulnerable.

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1 Vocabulary Level F Unit 7 Part B

2 infractionredoubtable mitigatereprove pillagerestitution pratestalwart punctiliousvulnerable

3 Infraction  A Breaking of a law or obligation  Synonyms: violation, transgression, breach, offense  His uncle paid a fine for his infraction of the local recycling regulations.

4 Infraction

5 Mitigate  To make milder or softer, to moderate in force or intensity  Synonyms: lessen, relieve, alleviate, diminish  I had hoped to mitigate her anger by offering an apology.

6 Mitigate  Hopefully, burping a baby will mitigate its crying.

7 Pillage  To rob of goods by open force (as in war), plunder; (n) the act of looting; booty  Synonyms: Ravage, sack, loot, booty  The commanding officer warned his troops not to pillage the conquered city.

8 Pillage

9 Prate  To talk a great deal in a foolish or aimless fashion  Synonyms: chatter, prattle, blab, blabber, palaver  He would prate endlessly about the past but say nothing useful about our present dilemma.

10 Prate

11 Punctilious  Very careful and exact, attentive to fine points of etiquette or propriety  Synonyms: precise, scrupulous, exacting, fussy, finicky  The clerk was so punctilious in obeying court rules that I had to be very careful to sign the papers accurately.

12 Punctilious

13 Redoubtable  Inspiring fear of awe; illustrations, eminent  Synonyms: formidable, fearsome, awesome, august  As a fierce ruler he was redoubtable, but like all such rulers, not much loved.

14 Redoubtable

15 Reprove  To find fault with, scold, rebuke  Synonyms: chide, chastise, upbraid, reproach  She reproved her staff for not following orders.

16 Reprove

17 Restitution  The act of restoring someone or something to the rightful owner or to a former state or position; making good on a loss or damage  Synonyms: compensation, reimbursement, redress, restoration  They made restitution for the damage to the car but never fully regained the friendship of its owner.

18 Restitution

19 Stalwart  Strong and sturdy, brave, resolute, (v) a brave, strong person; a strong supporter; one who takes an uncompromising position  Synonyms: sturdy, stout, intrepid, valiant She became a stalwart of the basketball team as their statistician.

20 Stalwart  Superman is a stalwart hero to all of the citizens of the city.

21 Vulnerable  Open to attack, capable of being wounded or damaged; unprotected  Synonyms: Defenseless, exposed, unguarded  Those brave enough to have opposed the dictator’s rise now found themselves in a vulnerable position when he gained power.

22 Vulnerable

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