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ResponseCard XR Creating Tests and Homework ®. Navigating the Menu Press the MENU button to bring up the Main Menu. Press the Down Arrow twice to select.

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Presentation on theme: "ResponseCard XR Creating Tests and Homework ®. Navigating the Menu Press the MENU button to bring up the Main Menu. Press the Down Arrow twice to select."— Presentation transcript:

1 ResponseCard XR Creating Tests and Homework ®

2 Navigating the Menu Press the MENU button to bring up the Main Menu. Press the Down Arrow twice to select the Test/Homework Menu.

3 Navigating the Menu Press Enter to select the Test/Homework Menu.

4 Test/Homework Mode Test/Homework Mode is momentarily displayed.

5 Create a New Session Press 1 to create a New Test/Homework Session.

6 Enter Control Number A control number is an identifier just for you so that you can identify each homework assignment stored on the ResponseCard. Use the Left and Right Arrows and the SEL button to enter a control number of your choice. NOTE: A control number that starts with 1 cannot be edited later.

7 Enter Control Number A control number can be any combination of one to four letters or numbers. Here, we have identified this session as our MATH homework.

8 Accept Control Number Once you are satisfied with the Control Number, press the Enter key.

9 Accept Control Number The ResponseCard will prompt you to verify you have entered the correct Control Code. Press YES to accept this code, NO to edit it.

10 Answer the Questions The first question is displayed (001). Answers can be in any format: Multiple Choice, Numeric, Fill-in-the-Blank. Use the Ans Mode button to toggle between the different answer modes.

11 Multiple Choice The default Ans Mode is multiple choice or single number answers. This is indicated by the 1 in the top bar of the display. The question is answered by pressing any one of the numbered keys. Pressing Ans Mode again will toggle to the next mode.

12 Numeric Mode The next Ans Mode is numeric entry. This is indicated by the 123 in the top bar of the display. Pressing Ans Mode again will toggle to the next mode. You can now enter numbers, decimals and +/- however, you must press Enter when you are done to complete your answer.

13 Alpha-Numeric Mode The next Ans Mode is alpha-numeric entry. This is indicated by the 123 ABC in the top bar of the display. Pressing Ans Mode again will toggle to the next mode. You can enter letters and numbers as you did when setting up your ResponseCard. You must press Enter when you are done to complete your answer.

14 Single Letter Mode The final Ans Mode is single letter entry. This is indicated by the A in the top bar of the display. Pressing Ans Mode again will toggle to the next mode. The question is answered by pressing one of the keys labeled A through J. You do not need to press Enter!

15 Answering Single Letter Mode If the answer to a multiple choice question is C, then make sure you are in single letter mode and press the C key.

16 Answering Single Letter Mode You will see the answer, followed by the indication that the ResponseCard is storing the data. (The single entry mode for numbers is the same.)

17 Answering Single Letter Mode Once the answer is stored, you are automatically advanced to the next question.

18 Answering Numeric If the next question requires a numeric answer, toggle to numeric answer mode.

19 Answering Numeric If the answer to the question is 1.34, then press those keys.

20 Answering Numeric Next, you must press the Enter key to accept this answer. You will momentarily see the ‘Storing…’ message and the ResponseCard will advance to the next question. (The alpha-numeric mode is the same.)

21 Finishing the Test When you are done with the entire assignment, press the MENU button, also labeled Start/End Test. Then press YES.

22 Save or Send? After finishing the test, you can: 1. Immediately upload the test to the receiver if instructed to do so. 2. Save the data for later (if you’re doing homework and not in class). 3. Forget the whole thing and delete all of the work you just did!

23 Saved Test If you have chosen to save the test, you will receive the message that the Test was saved successfully.

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