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by creating products more quickly and cheaply

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Presentation on theme: "by creating products more quickly and cheaply"— Presentation transcript:

1 How did new methods of mass production contribute to the Industrial Revolution?

2 by creating products more quickly and cheaply

3 Which term refers to new ideas about how to do something as well as the equipment needed to do it?

4 technology

5 Which invention improved by Thomas Edison most changed the way that factories operated in the late 19th century?

6 Light bulb

7 How did Orville and Wilbur Wright contribute to the rise of the United States as a world power?

8 They started the aircraft industry with their experiments in manned flight.

9 How did Orville and Wilbur Wright contribute to the rise of the United States as a world power?

10 They started the aircraft industry with their experiments in manned flight.

11 Why did most immigrants settled in cities?

12 They were too poor to reach the free land in the West.

13 Why did immigrants often live in communities with others from their home country?

14 It helped to make adjusting to life in America easier.

15 What contributed to the United States shift from an agrarian to an industrial nation?

16 New technologies led to higher crop production and lower farm profits.

17 What are three reasons immigrants were resented by native-born Americans?

18 They affected supply and demand in the work force, They took whatever jobs they could find, They were willing to work for the lowest of wages

19 A transatlantic ship entering New York harbor in the 1920s most likely carried the largest number of immigrants from which continent?

20 Europe

21 How did the growth of Big Business affect immigration?

22 Big Business encouraged the government to continue an open immigration policy.

23 What was the most likely cause of the change in population of the cities between 1870 and 1920?

24 Thousands of immigrants settled in port cities and urban industrial centers.

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