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West Virginia Achieves Professional Development Series Volume XXII Enhancing Parent Partnerships through Support, Communication and Involvement.

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Presentation on theme: "West Virginia Achieves Professional Development Series Volume XXII Enhancing Parent Partnerships through Support, Communication and Involvement."— Presentation transcript:

1 West Virginia Achieves Professional Development Series Volume XXII Enhancing Parent Partnerships through Support, Communication and Involvement

2 West Virginia Department of Education Mission The West Virginia Department of Education, in conjunction with the Regional Education Service Agencies and the Office of Performance Audits, will create systemic conditions, processes and structures within the West Virginia public school system that result in (1) all students achieving mastery and beyond and (2) closing the achievement gap among sub-groups of the student population.

3 Robert Hutchins The Conflict in Education in a Democratic Society “Perhaps the greatest idea that America has given the world is education for all. The world is entitled to know whether this idea means that everybody can be educated or simply that everyone must go to school.”

4 What We Know…  An emerging body of research identifies characteristics of high performing school systems.  These school systems have made significant progress in bringing all students to mastery and in closing the achievement gap.  These systems share characteristics described in The West Virginia Framework for High Performing Schools.


6 Answers to Questionnaire 1.100% - Do 0 - DO NOT 2.Intensive involvement of parents in their children’s schooling 3.Whether or not his/her parents dropped out of school 4.a. no time b. don’t know what to do 5.b. use of email

7 Definition of Parent Involvement The participation of parents in regular, two-way and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other school activities; including ensuring that parents a)play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning; b)are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education; c)are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child; d)the carrying out of other activities, such as those in Title I, Sec. 1118. Title IX General Provisions, Part A, Sec. 9101

8 “Parental and community engagement are at the center of current efforts to improve schooling.” Robert D. Putnam Chapter 17

9 “The evidence is consistent, positive, and convincing: families have a major influence on their children’s achievement in school and through life.” A New Wave of Evidence—In Short Anne Henderson & Karen Mapp

10 Impact of Parent Involvement Programs and interventions that engage families in supporting their children’s learning at home are linked to higher student achievement. The continuity of family involvement at home appears to have a protective effect on children as they progress through our complex education system.

11 Impact of Parent Involvement The family makes critical contributions to student achievement, from early childhood through high school. When parents are involved both at home and at school, children do better in school, and stay in school longer. When parents are involved at school, the school as a whole gets better.

12 Impact of Parent Involvement Children do best when parents can play a variety of parts in children’s learning. The more the relationship between families and the school is a real partnership, the higher the student achievement. Families, schools, and community groups all contribute to student achievement. The best results come when all three work together.

13 “Effects of Title I Parent Involvement on Student Reading and Mathematics Achievement” Ann Shaver and Richard Walls, 1998

14 Results Students with more highly involved parents were more likely to gain in both reading and math than children with less involved parents. (Across all income and education levels.) Younger students (grades 2-4) made greater gains than older students (grades 5-8). Parents were more likely to be involved when their children were in elementary school (grades 2-4) than in middle or junior high school.

15 Results Students from lower-income families made fewer gains than students from higher-income families, no matter how involved their families. However, low-income students with more involved parents made greater gains than low- income students with less involved parents. A family’s income level did not affect its level of involvement. Low-income families were as likely to attend regularly as higher-income families.

16 Results Normal Curve Equivalent Gains in Skill Area High-Parent Involvement Children Low-Parent Involvement Children Total math18.310.6 Math application12.99.3 Total reading13.34.4 Reading comprehension 10.94.7

17 Results High Parent Involvement Low Parent Involvement

18 Brainstorming Activity Barriers?? Parents don’t care Parents feel intimidated Parents & school have lack of communication Parents are too busy

19 High Yield Strategies Culture that treats parents as respected and valued partners System-wide parent education and involvement system School-based parent communication process to enhance student achievement

20 Segment I Culture that treats parents as respected and valued partners… 1.How can schools create a culture that recognizes parents as respected and valued partners? 2.What are essential components of an effective parent involvement program?

21 “Parents: Welcomed Members of the School Community” by Alfonso Aneglucci Source: National PTA

22 Joyce L. Epstein Ph.D., Sociology, Johns Hopkins University Director of the Center on School, Family, and Community Partnerships

23 The Keys to Successful School-Family-Community Partnerships  Parenting  Communicating  Volunteering  Learning at Home  Decision-Making  Collaborating with the Community

24 Categorizing the Parent Involvement Activities

25 Segment II System-wide parent education and involvement system… 1.How is parent partnership different from parent involvement? 2.Why should schools establish strong, supportive relationships with parents?

26 “Strengthening Families/Strengthening Schools Toolkit” Think—Pair—Share

27 Partnership vs. Involvement Involvement: Parents are given a list of workshops on parenting skills to be held at the school and asked to check off which ones they plan on attending. Partnership: The team sends home and/or emails or calls every parent and asks them their needs and how the school can help them to be involved in their child’s education.

28 “Tipping Toward Parents” “The Rise of the Parentariat”

29 Segment III School-based parent communication process to enhance student achievement… 1.What does effective communication with parents and schools look like? 2.How can the communication process enhance student achievement?

30 Effective Communication E-mail Dialogue Telephone Calls Parent/Teacher Conferences Parent Participation in LSIC Meetings Parent Participation in Surveys

31 Impact of Effective Communication For low-income families, programs offering home visits are more successful in involving parents. Frequent and effective communication from the school increases involvement. Parents are more likely to become involved when educators assist parents in helping their children with their schoolwork. Schools that utilize effective communication have more support from families and better reputations in the community. Teacher morale is higher as well.


33 How does a school establish an effective parent/community involvement program that promotes student achievement?



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