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Elementary School Test Coordinator’s Workshop

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1 Elementary School Test Coordinator’s Workshop
CRCT - Spring 2009 Elementary School Test Coordinator’s Workshop

2 What is this? The CRCT is a multiple-choice, criterion-referenced test based on the Georgia Performance Standards Assesses students in three to five content areas: Reading, English/ Language Arts, Mathematics, Science (grades 3-8), and Social Studies (grades 3-8)

3 When do we test? April 21 - Reading April 22 - English/Language Arts
April Mathematics April 24- Science April Social Studies April 28-May 1 - Make-Ups (along with afternoons of regular testing days)

4 Who do we test? All students in grades 1-5 must be tested
Special education students must be tested unless they are assessed with GAA instead Students who enroll during testing must be tested ELL students must be tested unless they qualify for a first-year deferment. First calendar year in US school Qualifying W-APT scores for ESOL services Participated in ACCESS for ELLs Documented in ELL/TPC First calendar year means they must have enrolled in a U.S. school less than one year ago

5 ELL Deferments ELL students must participate in the Math and Science content area tests, even if they are deferred from all other content areas ELL students must participate in all areas if they enroll after ACCESS for ELLs was administered Can have accommodations for the Math and Science tests as specified in ELL/TPC ELL students can no longer be deferred from Science. They must take Math and Science, even if they are deferred from everything else.

6 What’s New This Year?

7 GPS and AYP… All grades will test on GPS in all content areas
All content areas will contain GPS field test items which are not included in scoring GPS Social Studies Domains History Geography Civics/Government Economics

8 Changes in Materials… Second timing track added to covers of grades 1 & 2 test booklets in case edge of cover is torn removing the seal You should still keep a record in the test coordinator’s files at your school of any students who didn’t take all or part of the test and why

9 Accommodation Changes & Reminders…
Students who qualify for, but have waived, ESOL services can be allowed accommodations for testing. Students in grades 1 & 2 cannot have a read-to accommodation for the reading passages of the Reading test A read-to accommodation on the reading passages (grades 3-5) is still a conditional (non-standard) accommodation ESOL teachers and special education lead teachers were provided with accommodation spreadsheets to complete and to me, listing ELL, ELL-M, and special education students & their testing accommodations Common questions about accommodations include: Can they rearrange the order when a child has a read-to accommodation on the reading test? Read the questions first and then the reading passages? No – the test must be read in the order it is printed. When students have a read to accommodation, the reading passages may only be read one time and the test items may only be read twice The recommendation from the DOE on how much time to allow students with an extended time accommodation is 1 ½ to 2 times the normal amount of time. Even with an extended time accommodation, students must complete that day’s content area test on that day – they cannot carry over part of a test to be completed the next day.

10 Changes in Irregularities…
PIV – Participation Invalidation Student does not receive scores Counts as “Not Meeting the Standard” for AMO Does not count for participation for AYP Used for an irregularity that alters the test, such as a teacher assisting students with answers

11 Planning for Testing Procedure for check-out and return of materials
Notify parents of testing Train examiners and proctors

12 Training Examiners Only GA certified teachers can administer test
Must have a proctor if more than 30 students are testing together Teachers should review the Grade 3-8 Examiner’s Manual and the shell version of the Grade 1 & 2 Examiner’s Manual Teachers are responsible for test security while materials are in their possession Teachers are responsible for correct coding and usage of labels on answer documents and test booklets

13 Test Materials Test booklets and Grade 1 & 2 Examiner’s Manuals have unique security numbers Examiner’s Manuals match the School Security Checklist and have been assigned to individual teachers

14 Test Materials Bar-code labels for students enrolled before February 4, 2009 Examiner’s Manual is the same for grades 3, 4 & 5 Grade 1 & 2 Examiner’s manuals contain the actual test items, so teachers should review the shell version of the Examiner’s Manual during training rather than the actual Examiner’s Manual. It’s okay to put teacher’s names on Examiner’s Manuals or number them to help with accounting for them after testing.

15 Test Materials Multiple test forms at all grade levels Grade 1 & 2
Each school will receive all one form at these grades, but different schools in the system will have different forms Grade 3 – 5 Schools will receive all forms at these grades, spiraled within shrink-wrapped packages

16 Test Materials Small Group Test Administration test booklets we will remove from classroom teacher’s tub and place in sp. Ed. tub(same form packaged together) based on enrollment – grades 3-5 only

17 Test Security Tests must be given in the order and on the days specified in the schedule Materials have to be locked up when not in use All materials must be returned to test coordinators after each testing session Materials must be counted when returned every day (Test Captains)

18 Before Testing Prepare classrooms –
Remove or cover content related materials Arrange seating to limit cheating opportunities Plan for students who finish tests quickly and need something to do while the rest of the class is working Case Managers plan for accommodated students – make sure testing teachers are aware of which accommodations students receive Make sure all students in a “read-to” group have the same Form of the test, and the teacher has the same Form test booklet to read from before you begin testing

19 Prepare Test Booklets or Answer Documents
Information coded on answer documents and test booklets must be accurate and complete. Incorrect coding could have an effect on your school’s AYP! There will be 3 labels for each student: One Master Label without a bar-code – DO NOT USE! Two bar-coded labels – use ONE If a label is incorrect, DO NOT USE! Don’t try to correct or mark through labels Don’t try to remove labels Hold on to that second, bar-coded label! It will come in handy if you have to transfer answers to a new answer document because the student erased a hole in it, threw up on it, or tore it. Elementary teachers love to try to remove the labels!

20 Prepare Test Booklets or Answer Documents
Bubbling will not override student information on the label If a label is applied incorrectly, or for a student who has withdrawn, the answer document or test booklet must be voided and a new one bubbled Must bubble ELL Deferred for any test a student was deferred from If student does not have a bar-code label, will have to bubble both GTID and FTE GTID numbers are updated weekly. Student Reporting personnel know which tests are coming up, and focus on getting GTID numbers for students in those grades as quickly as possible. If a student doesn’t have a GTID at the beginning of testing, they probably will by the end.

21 If They Have a Label: Section 1: Print name, teacher, school, system
Section 8: Form number (grades 3-5)

22 All Students: Section 9: SRC – Primary Disability Code, ELL, ELL-M, Section 504, Title 1-Targeted Assistance schools only, Certified Migrant Section 9: Were accommodations per IEP, IAP, ELL/TPC? Which type of accommodation? Conditional administration? Section 10: First year ELL Deferment Section 11: PTNA Section 12: Braille/Large Print Section 13: EIP Served Section 14: Local Coding – EIP Model, Middle School Code (5th grade) Section 15: H.A.V.E.N. students ONLY Section 16: Leave blank unless directed to code SRC: You can only mark one primary disability, but can code for a primary disability and ELL, Title I, etc. Accommodations list in Guidelines has accommodations broken down by type (setting, presentation, response, scheduling. Code as many type of accommodation as apply. EIP served – at any time during the current school year Local Coding is not optional – must be done

23 All Students: Back of Answer Document: Print name, teacher, school, system

24 If They Don’t Have a Label:
Do all the same coding as for students with a label, plus… Section 2: Student name Section 3: Date of Birth Section 4: Gender Section 5: Racial/Ethnic Background Section 6: GTID number Section 7: FTE number Student name – legal names only – no nicknames Gender – mark only one Race/Ethnic Group – mark only one GTID is always 10 numbers FTE is usually the social security number – always 9 numbers Do not use 6 or 7 digit SchoolMax numbers in lieu of GTID or FTE number. Adding zeroes to a SchoolMax number does not turn it into a GTID or FTE number

25 Students On The Move Don’t transfer test booklets or answer documents
Student should resume testing at their new school with a new test booklet and answer document Each school will submit their answer document for scoring Don’t retest a student on a content area test they already took – only administer the tests they haven’t taken yet

26 During Testing Teachers must follow all administration directions
Tests for grades 3, 4 & 5 are strictly timed Students in grades 3-5 must be allowed 45 minutes per session, and can have up to 70 minutes if needed Students in grades 3-5 should have a 5-10 minute stretch break between sections Tests for grades 1 & 2 are paced by the teacher

27 During Testing Most of the 1st and 2nd grade test is read by the teacher – test items must be read exactly as written and can only be read twice! Be sure that students use the same test booklet each day of testing – write names on the covers of test booklets! When students remove the security seal, only remove the blue layer – leave the clear layer on the test booklet Be sure that students bubble in the Form of the test they used. Teachers and proctors must move around the room during testing

28 During Testing Directions can be repeated if necessary, but follow the script Be sure that special education, Section 504, ELL, and ELL-M students receive their specified accommodations, and only those accommodations Students in grades 3-5 may write in test booklets in pencil only Highlighters are not allowed Reading passages may be in the test booklet twice if there are numerous questions related to that passage No calculators for any part of the Math test

29 During Testing Students are allowed to use scratch paper during the Math test only Scratch paper must be provided by the teacher and collected after testing Either plain paper or lined notebook paper can be used for scratch paper – no graph paper Students must sign or initial the Student Roster each day of testing The Form number each student used must be listed on the Student Roster

30 Irregularities Immediately report any irregularities to our office
Teachers and proctors should write up a thorough description of what happened Fax this to our office along with a Testing Irregularity Form as soon as possible If further action is needed, we will let you know

31 Answer Documents/Test Booklets to be Scored
Be sure that answers were transferred to answer documents or regular 1st or 2nd grade test booklets for students with a “write in the book”, Complete the Answer Document/Test Booklet Return Forms Group Information Sheet will be completed today!

32 Group Information Sheet
Teacher Last Name School Name Number of Answer Documents or Test Booklets returned for scoring Grade (1-5) School Code should be precoded Leave other sections blank

33 Test Results We hope to receive results in the system around May 18th
We will receive PL1 Rosters and Class Roster Reports first We will receive early results in electronic form

34 Promotion Requirements and AYP
3rd graders must pass Reading for promotion to 4th grade 5th graders must pass Reading and Math for promotion to 6th grade Reading, ELA, and Math for grades 3-5 will be used for Participation Rates and AMO for AYP Science for grades 3-5 will be used for Participation Rates for AYP 1st year ELL students will count toward Participation Rate If you’re a primary school that doesn’t have 3rd-5th graders, 1st and 2nd grades will count toward AYP

35 3rd & 5th Graders Who Don’t Pass
3rd grade students who score in Performance Level 1 on the Reading test will need to retake the Reading test in June or July 5th grade students who score in Performance Level 1 on the Reading or Math tests will need to retake that test in June or July 3rd grade students who don’t take the test will need to take the Reading test in June or July 5th grade students who don’t take the test will need to take the Reading and Math tests in June or July The summer retest will be June and July 7-8

36 3rd & 5th Graders Who Don’t Pass
Students who score in Performance Level 1 again will be retained in 3rd or 5th grade Parents can appeal – will require a unanimous decision by the principal, teacher(s), and parent(s) to promote Students who don’t retake the test will be retained in 3rd or 5th grade

37 Things You Think You Don’t Have to Say, But….
Our most common irregularities in 2008 were students going ahead or going back to other sections of the test, or working on the wrong section of the test The Table of Shame is a real place, not just an urban legend Teachers have to follow all administration directions, even the ones they don’t like Move around the room during testing. If you are checking s, playing solitaire, reading the paper, knitting, or sleeping, you aren’t moving around the room

38 Continued… Teachers shouldn’t talk on their cell phones during testing
Students can’t use their cell phones during testing, either Students also can’t have I-pods during testing Students shouldn’t stick their chewing gum inside their answer documents – it’s bad for the scanners If the directions don’t say to give the students scratch paper, extra time, whatever – then don’t

39 Not Done Yet…. If you are the only class that has finished with testing, you should definitely find out why. Right away If you are the only class that hasn’t finished testing, and it’s not because you have an extended time group, you should look into this, also Every test is different. The same procedures, time limits, etc. don’t apply to all tests. Don’t assume you know what to do and don’t need to read directions because you have done this before!

40 Finishing Up When a strange, unforeseen situation arises, don’t guess what to do. Call Pamela! It is much easier and takes less time to make sure that students bubbled the Form number on their answer document than it is to dig through boxes to find the test booklet and call the teacher at school. It’s a lot more pleasant when the test coordinator gets back to the school, too.

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