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UN Channels and Mechanisms for Development Cooperation and the Role of Emerging Donors Cheile Gradistei, 18 September 2008 Daniel Hanspach Emerging Donors.

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Presentation on theme: "UN Channels and Mechanisms for Development Cooperation and the Role of Emerging Donors Cheile Gradistei, 18 September 2008 Daniel Hanspach Emerging Donors."— Presentation transcript:

1 UN Channels and Mechanisms for Development Cooperation and the Role of Emerging Donors Cheile Gradistei, 18 September 2008 Daniel Hanspach Emerging Donors Policy Specialist UNDP RC Bratislava

2 UN Development System Neutral partner for developing countries Global presence, teams in 126 and programmes in 180 countries It delivers over $16 billion worth of activities in support of development every year Globally agreed normative framework of human rights and development goals Aim is to attain sustainable and equitable development outcomes

3 UN Development Group Established by the Secretary General in 1997 as a mechanism to strengthen the UN system and coordinate its operational activities for development ( Unites 28 UN bodies and five observers Defines common policies and mechanisms to formulate strategies, implement programmes, monitor results and advocate for change This creates synergies, efficiencies, and economies of scale that result in better development cooperation

4 UN Voluntary Funds I. Voluntary funding - all monies donated to humanitarian and development programmes under the UN banner (e.g. UNDP, WFP, UN Children’s Fund) Funding of the UN development work has always been on a voluntary basis and traditionally viewed as a time-bound investment, the need for which will gradually diminish as developing countries grow out of poverty Member states pick and choose programmes which they feel are worthy enough to receive funding

5 UN Voluntary Funds II. There are more than 150 UN separate funds and 7 UNDP thematic trust funds Agency specific funding frameworks are vital for the coherence and harmonization of the operational activities for development Donors often earmark their contributions for particular countries, programmes and projects as a way of increasing accountability and ensuring linkage between their funding and particular outcomes

6 Examples of UN Voluntary Funds UN Voluntary Fund on Disability Voluntary Trust Fund for assistance in Mine Action Voluntary Fund for Indigenous Populations 7 UNDP Thematic Trust Funds (democracy and governance, poverty reduction, E&E, ICT, HIV/AIDS, gender, crisis prevention and recovery)

7 UNDP’s Role in the UN Development System Dual role As a manager of the Resident Coordinator system that is instrumental for the effective and efficient coordination of UN development activities at the country level in order to improve the UN system’s response to national priorities As a development actor working to provide programme support technical and policy advice to national partners

8 UNDP RBEC Very heterogeneous region Many middle-income countries, new EU member states but also the least developed ones (Tajikistan) Emerging (new, non-DAC) donors important regional feature Successful transition and EU accession process to be shared across the region (“East – East” cooperation)

9 Emerging Donors Initiative (EDI) promoting development cooperation between emerging donor countries and recipient countries, with a special focus on Southeast European and CIS countries; strengthening capacities in emerging donor countries to effectively deliver development assistance; and enhancing the role of UNDP, and the UN system overall, as a major partner for and facilitator of East-East cooperation, trilateral cooperation and donor coordination

10 EDI Results ODA capacity building projects in CR, SR, Hungary, Baltic countries, Slovenia, Russia, Turkey, Croatia Trust Funds with CR, SR, Hungary and Romania that delivered over $ 20 million since 2003 Series of regional emerging donor meetings/workshops since 2000

11 UNDP as a Partner for Emerging Donors Promotion of the transitional experience, national best practices, specialists and young professionals – logical next step in the partnership with the governments of graduating countries, especially during the grace period Quality assurance, transparency, management, administration, sound programming and reporting Assistance in establishing appropriate institutional infrastructure for ODA Public awareness raising and MDG advocate Network of UNDP Country Offices

12 Remaining Challenges for the Emerging Donors Setting up national institutions dealing specifically with development cooperation issues in a coordinated and efficient way Human resources for development cooperation (both nationally and internationally) Programme based and demand driven approach Partnership agreements with the target countries Effective use of multi-lateral channels Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms Coordination with other donors

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