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UNDP Regional Bureau for Africa MDG-based national Development Planning Training Workshop HIV/AIDS Assessments Dar Es Salaam February 27 - March 3, 2006.

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1 UNDP Regional Bureau for Africa MDG-based national Development Planning Training Workshop HIV/AIDS Assessments Dar Es Salaam February 27 - March 3, 2006 Dr. Joe Annan, HIV/AIDS Group, BDP

2 Changing Global Architecture around AIDS and development GTT = Global Task Team on improving AIDS coordination among multilateral institutions and international donors GTT = Global Task Team on improving AIDS coordination among multilateral institutions and international donors MDGs as the Framework for AIDS response UNGASS Commitments UN System Reform 2005 World Summit outcomes

3 GTT recommendations (1) Recommendations 1.1: Countries develop annual priority AIDS action plans that drive implementation, improve oversight, emphasize results....... Recommendation 1.2: - Countries ensure that their macroeconomic and public expenditure frameworks support and appropriately prioritize the implementation of national AIDS action frameworks and annual priority AIDS action plans. …...

4 GTT recommendations (2) Recommendation 2.1: Multilateral institutions and international partners commit to working with national AIDS coordinating authorities to align their support to national strategies, policies, systems, cycles, and annual priority AIDS action plans. Recommendation 3.1: The UN Secretary-General instruct the UN Resident Coordinator to establish, in collaboration with the UN Country Team, a joint UN team on AIDS – facilitated by the UNAIDS Country Coordinator – that will develop a unified UN country support programme on AIDS within the national planning framework. Recommendation 3.2: The multilateral system establish a joint UN system-Global Fund problem-solving team that supports efforts to address implementation bottlenecks at country level.

5 UNAIDS technical support division of labour UNDP lead organization for : HIV and AIDS, development planning, governance and mainstreaming, including instruments such as PRSPs and enabling legislation, human rights and gender Main partners ILO, UNAIDS Secretariat, UNESCO, UNICEF, WHO, World Bank, UNFPA, UNHCR

6 UNDP HIV/AIDS Focus Areas 1 - HIV/AIDS and Human Development 2 - Governance of HIV/AIDS Responses 3 - Human Rights, Gender and HIV/AIDS

7 Joint UNDP/UNAIDS/ WB initiative on AIDS and PRSPs Ensure appropriate guidance material is available for Integrating AIDS in development instruments and PRSPs Ensure appropriate guidance material is available for Integrating AIDS in development instruments and PRSPs Enhance the participation of HIV/AIDS stakeholders in the PRSP process and establish roles and accountabilities Enhance the participation of HIV/AIDS stakeholders in the PRSP process and establish roles and accountabilities Improve implementation modalities of HIV/AIDS in PRSPs, and linkages to other development frameworks.

8 Roll-out Joint missions by AIDS specialist and macroeconomist in 7 countries: Ethiopia, Ghana, Mali, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania and Zambia Johannesburg meeting: for experience: country follow- up activities (CFA) plans developed UNDP US$ 80,000 per country teams for implementation Issues tackled Bi-directional relationship of AIDS and poverty Coordination of response Strengthening participation What capacities are required? Monitoring and evaluation

9 Challenges Need for alternative scenarios for AIDS /PRSP and MTEF Tools for integration? PRSP Handbook Linking MDG based PRSPs to National development plans Harmonization and alignment (projects) at country level Comprehensive costing of AIDS was not seen as a critical issue in PRSPs

10 Estimating HIV/AIDS resources needs UNAIDS Secretariat conducted resource needs for longer term investments US$ 15 billion 2006, 18 billion 2007, 22 billion, 2008 Prevention: comprehensive response by 2010 Treatment and care: 75% of 6.6 million people with access to ART by 2008 OVC: cover all OVC in SSA + others Programme costs, 1000 new health centers by 2010 Programme costs, 1000 new health centers by 2010 Human resources: costs of additional medical staff

11 AIDS resource needs (US$ billion) UNAIDS 2005 200620072008 Prevention8.410.011.4 29.8 Treatment and care3.04.05.3 12.3 OVC1.62.12.7 6.4 Program costs1.51.41.8 4.7 Human Resources0.40.60.9 1.9 Totals14.918.122.1 55.1

12 Funding for Prevention by Region

13 Models Costing Guidelines for HIV Prevention Strategies (2000) Report of the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health, WHO (2001) Futures Group Model (2001) Cape Town Antiretroviral Costing Model (2004)

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