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SURRENDER CLICK TO START. Stay calm and happy by accepting and enjoying what is happening, where you are, how you are, what you are doing now… Observe,

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Presentation on theme: "SURRENDER CLICK TO START. Stay calm and happy by accepting and enjoying what is happening, where you are, how you are, what you are doing now… Observe,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Stay calm and happy by accepting and enjoying what is happening, where you are, how you are, what you are doing now… Observe, understand, AND ACCEPT your circumstances, your actions, and your own being just as they are. Also, observe, understand, AND ACCEPT other people, their words, and their actions, just as they are. The Universe has its own and inalterable order. Everything has a reason, even when you dont like it… If you keep this faith, life will be much easier and enjoyable for you. CLICK TO CONTINUE…

3 Smile, relax, and dont give too much importance to anything. When something is bothering you, ASK YOURSELF IF IT IS WORTH IT, IF YOU REALLY CARE ABOUT IT, and simply smile and repeat to yourself… I DONT CARE! CLICK TO CONTINUE…

4 The importance we assign to everything is frequently inflated by false beliefs and bad habits. Unmask them. Play with them. Assign less importance (and less thoughts) to bad things, just by giving CONSCIENTLY AND VOLUNTARILY much more importance to the good ones. Understand, above all, that everything is at it is, and it only could be as it is, no matter how you feel, what you think, or how much you think about it. CLICK TO CONTINUE…

5 Surround yourself only with beautiful and nice things. Go to beautiful places, read good books, listen to good music, eat only the best food, think less, and laugh more… This moment (as it is), is the only life you have here and now. It is your greatest possession. Invest your life wisely, live it intensely, smile always, and do your best to enjoy it the most. CLICK TO CONTINUE…

6 The Universe is plenty of rocks, but it also has many flowers. You have only one bag to carry everything, so you have only three options… CLICK TO CONTINUE…

7 1. Carry the rocks. They are heavy and very hard to handle… CLICK TO CONTINUE… 2. Carry a mix of rocks and flowers. The rocks will surely destroy the flowers...

8 3. Pick only the flowers. Which option will you choose TODAY? CLICK TO CONTINUE…

9 Close your eyes and imagine yourself immerse in a big and powerful river, where you also have only three options: 1. Swim against the flow and suffer, get tired, and even die without any results, because the river is always more powerful than you are… (That is what we are used to do!) 2. Relax and enjoy the trip. 3. Swim with the flow. Find and enjoy the best things in your life, while leaving what you dont like in Gods hands (just where it is, anyways…!). CLICK TO CONTINUE…

10 The trip is not your choice. You can only decide HOW TO TRAVEL, to enjoy it or to suffer it… What is your choice for TODAY? CLICK TO CONTINUE…

11 "When we know love matters more than anything, and we know that nothing else really matters, we move into the state of surrender. Surrender does not diminish our power, it enhances it." -Sarah Paddison Hidden Power of the Heart Hidden Power of the Heart CLICK TO CONTINUE…

12 Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving Day! © Silvia A. Ramos, All Rights Reserved CLICK TO FINISH

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