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The Wonders and Dangers of the Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Research by: Ritta Baena Visual Effects by: John Baena.

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Presentation on theme: "The Wonders and Dangers of the Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Research by: Ritta Baena Visual Effects by: John Baena."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Wonders and Dangers of the Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Research by: Ritta Baena Visual Effects by: John Baena

2 Is The Peanut a Nut? Peanuts are not actually nuts, they are legumes Legumes are found in a pod or shell Example of legumes: –Beans –Peas –Lentils Peanuts are also known as ground-nuts / ground-peas

3 How do you make PBJ Sandwiches? 3 food items are necessary: Spread the peanut butter on one slice of white bread and the jelly on the other Slap the two slices together and enjoy Peanut ButterJellyBread

4 Fluffernutter – Marshmallow crème with peanut butter Peanut substitutes: –Nuttella (Hazelnut spread) –Almonds –Cashews –Soybean –Sunflower Variations of PBJ

5 Jelly substitutes/enhancers: –Jam –Honey –Syrup –Marshmallow Fluff –Miracle Whip –Vegemite –Dried Fruit –Banana –Raisins Variations of PBJ

6 White Bread substitutes: –Rye Bread –Brown Bread –Crackers

7 Fun Facts Americans consume 3 lbs/person/yr of peanut butter Use shell of peanuts in: –Kitty Litter –Wallboard –Fireplace Log –Paper –Animal Feed –Fuel for Power Plants

8 Fun Facts 2 peanut farmers elected as U.S. Presidents: –Thomas Jefferson (3 rd President; 1801-1809) –Jimmy Carter (39 th President; 1977- 1981) March is the national peanut butter month

9 History of PBJ 3,000 BC Egyptians Bake the First Leavened Bread 1500 BC Peanuts Discovered 1095 – 1097 Jelly and Jam "Spread" throughout Europe by Crusaders 1600s Jelly Comes to America 1762 - 1763 The First Sandwich 1880 was the 1 st time peanuts were ground by doctor Straub to feed geriatric toothless patients 1890 Peanut Butter Invented

10 History of PBJ 1900 Soft White Bread Introduced 1903 George Washington Carver, Father of the Peanut Industry 1914 Commercial Peanut Butters Introduced 1927 The Greatest Invention…Sliced Bread 1940s PB&J Becomes Popular providing high protein food as substitute for meat in war times since it was not rationed

11 Nutrition (one serving=2 tablespoons of peanut butter) NutrientPercent Daily Value* (amount)Importance Calories10% (190 calories)Energy! Protein13% (8g) Needed to repair body tissues and develop new ones, to maintain fluid levels and to make antibodies which ward off disease and infection. Fiber8% (2g) Fiber reduces the risk of some types of cancer, helps control blood sugar levels and may help reduce the level of cholesterol in your blood. Total Fat unsaturated saturated 24% (16g) 29% (13g) 13% (3g) Most concentrated source of energy in the diet. Carries fat soluble vitamins such as A, D and E and helps maintain healthy skin. Vitamin E22% (2mg) Vital antioxidant which protects Vitamin A and body's cells and tissues from damage. Important for the immune system. May aid in the prevention of tumor growth. *based on 2,000 calories

12 Nutrition NutrientPercent Daily Value* (amount)Importance Niacin24% (4mg) Important in the release of energy from the food we eat and the maintenance of healthy skin, the nervous system and the digestive tract. Folate7.5% (30mcg) Important for the development of new cells, particularly during growth and pregnancy. Vitamin B68% (0.15mg) Makes and breaks down proteins and makes red blood cells used to transport oxygen in the body. Thiamin (B1) 3% (0.04mg) Needed to ensure normal functioning of the nervous system, appetite and digestion. Riboflavin (B2) 2% (0.04mg) Releases energy from the food we eat, helps skin stay healthy and assists in the normal functioning of the eyes. *based on 2,000 calories (one serving=2 tablespoons of peanut butter)

13 Nutrition NutrientPercent Daily Value* (amount)Importance Magnesium15% (52mg) Important in the building of bones and teeth, creation of protein, transmission of nerve impulses and maintenance of body temperature. Phosphorus13% (104mg) Component of all soft tissues. Fundamental to growth and maintenance of bones and teeth. Copper9% (0.17mg) Important to the formation of hemoglobin, health of bones, blood vessels and nerves. Potassium7% (244mg) Needed to ensure the body's water balance and create protein. Helps release energy from nutrients. Aids in nerve impulse transmission. Iron6% (0.62mg) Aids in the transport and distribution of oxygen in the body's cells. *based on 2,000 calories (one serving=2 tablespoons of peanut butter)

14 Nutrition NutrientPercent Daily Value* (amount)Importance Zinc6% (0.91mg) Aids in the formation of protein, wound healing, blood formation, taste perception, appetite, and night vision. Calcium2% (13mg) Needed for the development and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. *based on 2,000 calories (one serving=2 tablespoons of peanut butter)

15 Health Benefits of Peanuts Peanuts contain folic acid which reduces: –Heart disease risk –Birth defects like neural tubal defect Lowers blood pressure on average by 11.4 points systolic and 5.5 points diastolic Peanuts contain mono-unsaturated fats which protect against breast cancer

16 Health Benefits of Peanuts Peanuts have a low glycemic index which prevents adult-onset diabetes Peanut Butter is naturally cholesterol-free 80% of the fat in peanut butter is unsaturated; good fat which helps lower LDL cholesterol levels in your blood Peanut Butter is recommended for weight loss and diabetic diets

17 Dangers - Allergies Bread has gluten which is responsible for celiac disease which affects the Gastro Intestinal Tract Jellies and Jams that contain berries can cause mild reactions like hives or severe reactions like anaphalactic shock (sudden constriction of the wind pipe)

18 Dangers - Allergies Peanuts can cause mild reactions like hives or severe reactions like anaphalactic shock

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