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Table 8. Unit Key Performance Indicators

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1 Table 8. Unit Key Performance Indicators
Items Disagree Neutral Agree Key performance indicator will help the unit to enhance their performance 1.73% 10.80% 87.47% Applying higher nursing standard will help the unit to enhance the key performance indicators 2.63% 11.86% 85.52% If the administration allow me to participate in committee or council I will help in enhance the key performance indicator of the unit 2.64% 13.59% 83.76% Compare the data with international data base for nursing indicator will help us in enhancing the unit indicators 2.93% 13.20% 83.88% Unit specific indicators should be part of performance appraisal of the nurses 3.78% 12.78% 83.44% Unit Indicators measures the unit performance 2.90% 10.89% 86.22% Unit indicators it will help in enhancing the clinical practice in my unit 2.10% 10.12% 87.78% Ahmad Rayan et al. Nurses Perceptions toward Nursing Excellence Program in a Tertiary Hospital. American Journal of Nursing Research, 2019, Vol. 7, No. 1, doi: /ajnr-7-1-9 © The Author(s) Published by Science and Education Publishing.

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