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MONTANA Department of Labor & Industry Employment Relations Division Occupational Safety & Health Bureau P.O. Box 1786 Miles City, Montana 59301 Fax:

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Presentation on theme: "MONTANA Department of Labor & Industry Employment Relations Division Occupational Safety & Health Bureau P.O. Box 1786 Miles City, Montana 59301 Fax:"— Presentation transcript:


2 MONTANA Department of Labor & Industry Employment Relations Division Occupational Safety & Health Bureau P.O. Box 1786 Miles City, Montana 59301 Fax: (406)-232-6270 Phone: (406)-232-8342 Cell: (406)-698-5584 E-mail: Michael Preller Safety Specialist

3 Everyone must place as much emphasis on Safety & Health issues as they place on other core management issues, such as; o Production o Sales o Quality control Safety & Health Integration

4 Is Safety & Health an integral part of our operations? Is teamwork apparent in all parts of the organization? Are managers and supervisors out on the floor frequently? Are employees encouraged to identify safety and health hazards and correct them on their own? Do employees have full and open access to all the tools and equipment they need to do their job safely? SELF EVALUATION Safety & Health Integration

5 COMMUNICATION Do you clearly communicate your expectations o Or do you assume they know Are employees encouraged to ask questions o Or do employees feel uneasy to ask DO YOU LISTEN TO YOU EMPLOYEES o Or do you ignore them

6 SAFETY FIRST! Safety & Health Integration

7 SAFETY ALWAYS! Safety & Health Integration

8 How can Safety & Health become a part of the way our business runs? Combine performance and S&H standards Talk the talk and walk the walk Top down support Bottom up implementation






14 How can accidents be avoided? What is the attitude of the employer or employees at the work sites? Why do we accept conditions and/or behaviors that are potentially life threatening? Could/does this happen at your job site? Safety & Health Integration

15 CULTURE Attitudes Behaviors Beliefs Values Ways of doing things Other shared characteristics of a particular group of people Safety & Health Integration

16 CULTURE CAN Socialize newcomers Define influence Determine values Safety & Health Integration

17 A strong safety and health culture is the result of: Positive workplace attitudes; - from the president to the newest hire. Involvement and buy; - in of all members of the workforce. Mutual, meaningful, and measurable Safety & Health improvement goals. Policies & Procedures that serve as reference tools, rather than obscure rules. Personnel Training at all levels within the organization. Responsibility and Accountability throughout the organization. Safety & Health Integration

18 A strong safety and health culture is the result of: All individuals within the organization believe they have a right to a safe and healthy workplace. Each person accepts personal responsibility for ensuring his or her own safety and health. Everyone believes he or she has a duty to protect the safety and health of others. Safety & Health Integration

19 5 Elements Management Leadership and Employee Involvement Worksite Analysis Hazard Prevention Hazard Control Safety and Health Training Effective Safety and Health Management System

20 1. Management Leadership & Employee Involvement Visible management support, involvement, and participation in the safety and health program Assign supervisors safety and health responsibility with the authority to perform their duties Empower employees and involve them in the safety and health program. Hold them accountable Develop safety and health policy, set annual goals and program review Effective Safety and Health Management System

21 2. Worksite Analysis Ensure that formal safety and health surveys are conducted Conduct and document job hazard analysis (JHA) Develop a self-inspection program and conduct formal and informal workplace safety and health inspections Develop a system for tracking, reporting, and investigating near misses, accidents/incidents and injuries and/or illnesses Effective Safety and Health Management System

22 3. Hazard Prevention Establish and maintain good house keeping procedures Establish an emergency response plan/ procedures for providing employees with emergency medical treatment Develop and implement a preventive maintenance system Provide medical surveillance and preventive health care Effective Safety and Health Management System

23 4. Hazard Control Establish procedures for evaluating and implementing engineering controls Develop and implement safe work practices Develop and implement administrative controls Ensure personal protective equipment is provided, properly used and maintained Effective Safety and Health Management System

24 5. Safety and Health Training Identify, schedule, conduct and document required safety and health training Effective Safety and Health Management System

25 Develop Safety & Health policy. Set annual goals & program review Ensure that formal Safety & Health surveys are conducted Conduct & document job hazard analysis (JHA) Develop a self-inspection program & conduct formal and informal workplace Safety & Health inspections Develop a system for tracking, reporting, and investigating near misses, accidents/incidents, injuries and/or illnesses Identify, schedule, conduct and document required Safety & Health training Effective Safety and Health Management System

26 Safety & Health Integration Safety Action Plan (SAP) Outline Safety and Health Goals Updated, Revised, and Used Annually Based on JHA and other data collected

27 Safety & Health Management System Develop Evaluate Sustain

28 Effective Safety and Health Management System Questions..... Comments….. Concerns…..

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