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Kitchen Concoctions Mixtures investigation Children Challenging Industry.

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Presentation on theme: "Kitchen Concoctions Mixtures investigation Children Challenging Industry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kitchen Concoctions Mixtures investigation Children Challenging Industry

2 What is industry? Where things are made.

3 Jobs in Industry Administration Officer Communications Officer Personnel Manager Resources Manager Health and Safety Officer

4 Product: Acrylic Latex Tile Grout, Ready Mixed Formulation Number: IDH 529009 Mixtures Recipes are used in industry to make many different products. You will probably have lots of these products in your own home.

5 Is a mince pie just one thing or a mixture of things? Its pastry and mincemeat Mixtures at home

6 Can the mixture of pastry and mincemeat be separated? Can the ingredients used to make pastry be separated? Can the ingredients used to make mincemeat be separated?

7 Can you separate the ingredients used to make mincemeat? Apples Raisins Sultanas Orange peel Sugar Vegetable suet Rice flour Lemon peel Spices Salt Are there any mixtures within the mixtures?

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