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Bond Construction Update Citizens Oversight Committee Long Beach Community College District July 21, 2008 BUILDING TOMORROW TODAY 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Bond Construction Update Citizens Oversight Committee Long Beach Community College District July 21, 2008 BUILDING TOMORROW TODAY 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bond Construction Update Citizens Oversight Committee Long Beach Community College District July 21, 2008 BUILDING TOMORROW TODAY 1

2 Agenda Completed Construction Projects Current & Upcoming Construction Projects LAC South Quad Complex LAC Central Plant LAC Learning Resources Center LAC Building A, Student Services LAC Math Technology Building PCC Central Plant PCC Learning Resources Center PCC Industrial Tech Phase 1 PCC MDAB (Multi-Disciplinary Academic Building) LAC/PCC Building Needs Assessment Project Toilet Improvement Projects Quick-Start Projects ADA Projects Lighting Projects Classroom Improvement Projects Infrastructure Projects Facilities Improvements Q & A 2

3 Current and Upcoming Construction Projects Central Plant equipment, Public Safety, & Field house for Athletics Installed (2) 600 ton Chillers and (1) 300 ton chiller with room for expansion Installed 4 cooling towers with additional expansion space LAC Central Plant 3

4 Current and Upcoming Construction Projects Plant ready for operation and awaiting completion of SQC Construction 96% Complete Completion Anticipated Summer 2008 LAC Central Plant 4

5 Current and Upcoming Construction Projects Construction 70% Complete Adds 10,000 ASF to existing building Substantial Completion anticipated December 2008 LAC/Learning Resources Center 5

6 Current and Upcoming Construction Projects Construction Approx. 62% Complete Space includes Approx. 68,000 ASF 32 modern classrooms and labs 38 faculty offices Executive office suites Multipurpose room State of the art Board Room Substantial Completion Anticipated December 2008 South Quad Complex 6

7 Current and Upcoming Construction Projects Martinez Architects received Board Approval as the Architect of Record Programming work began on April 10, 2008 Completed Schematic Design (June 2008) Currently in Design Development phase Adds 4000 ASF to existing building Will house A&R, Counseling, Health Services, Cashier, Transfer Ctr., etc. LAC Building A – Student Services Retrofit 7

8 Current and Upcoming Construction Projects Marlene Imirzian & Associates Architects received Board Approval as the Architect of Record Will house Math and Culinary Arts instructional program as well as Reprographics LAC Math Technology Building 8

9 Current and Upcoming Construction Projects Programming work began in May 2008 Completed Schematic Design (June 2008) Currently in Design Development phase FPP was approved by Board of Trustees and sent to state LAC Math Technology Building 9

10 Current and Upcoming Construction Projects LAC Math Technology Building Currently completing Design Development Phase 10

11 Current and Upcoming Construction Projects Houses Central Plant equipment and Maintenance and Operations facility Installed (3) 300 ton Chillers Installed 3 cooling towers Will support LRC Construction Approximately 67% Complete Completion Anticipated late Summer 2008 PCC Central Plant 11

12 Current and Upcoming Construction Projects Construction 97% Complete Modern Facility with Computer Lab and Multimedia Stand alone Data Center. Provides District IT redundancy Bridge to Bldg. EE Design elements move towards energy efficiencies Substantial Completion July 2008 PCC Learning Resources Center 12

13 Current and Upcoming Construction Projects Replaces Existing Antiquated Structures Construction is 25% Complete Modern Facility Houses Machine Tool and Welding Departments New Northern Face of the Campus Completion Anticipated Spring 2009 PCC Industrial Technology Center Phase 1 13

14 Current and Upcoming Construction Projects Programming is completed and submitted to the State for Approval Completed Schematic Design and Design Development phase (June 2008) Currently working on Construction Documents and Furniture Layouts Anticipated start of construction Summer 2009 Completed in Two phases PCC Multi-Disciplinary Academic Building (MDAB) 14

15 PCC - LRC and MDAB (Fly-By) p a c i f i c c o a s t 15

16 Current and Upcoming Construction Projects Restroom Improvement Projects Quick-Start Projects ADA Projects LAC/PCC Building Needs Assessment Project 16

17 Current and Upcoming Construction Projects Lighting Projects Classroom Improvement Projects Infrastructure Projects LAC/PCC Building Needs Assessment Project 17

18 Recently Completed Facilities Improvements Long Beach Community College District 18

19 Facilities Improvements LBCC With the help of LBCC Foundation, funds were available to do the following: carpet replacement carpet added to the walls to ensure light-control for observational needs. AC unit independent from the building HVAC system was added to serve the server room, for proper load ventilation. New observation seats were installed. entire room painted new lighting installed. Completed 06/2008 Building D Planetarium Improvements 19

20 Facilities Improvements LBCC Replace existing boilers, pumps, expansion tanks and common flue with new equipment. A newly upgraded design reflecting a mechanical engineered system was installed improving the efficiency of the boilers. This system is the main heating source serving the Auditorium. Completed 06/2008 Building J Boiler Replacement 20

21 Facilities Improvements LBCC Replacement of roofs with a 30- year Garland roof materials Removal of radio tower on Bldg B Expected Completion 07/2008 Building B, C, and D Roof Replacement 21

22 Facilities Improvements LBCC Economic Resource Development Complete build out of two-hard walled offices, a kitchenette, and a server room Relocation of a 4,000sq. ft. office space into the newly re-designed 3,000sq ft. office space New modular cubicle work stations were adapted and installed Completed 05/2008 ERD Tenant Improvements and Relocation 22

23 Facilities Improvements LBCC Building Needs Assessment Project Parking Structure/Traffic Study Master Landscape Project District Wide Energy Efficiency Improvements Electronic Signage Wayfaring and Building Signage Facilities Website Facilities Work Order System Buildings M & N Replacement at LAC Building G at PCC Modernization of Building P at LAC (IPP) Replacement of Building M (Construction Trades) at PCC (IPP) Important Ongoing Initiatives 23


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