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Publication of Scientific Findings C. G. Huber University of Salzburg Bioanalytisches und strukturbiologisches Seminar, WS 2011-12.

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Presentation on theme: "Publication of Scientific Findings C. G. Huber University of Salzburg Bioanalytisches und strukturbiologisches Seminar, WS 2011-12."— Presentation transcript:

1 Publication of Scientific Findings C. G. Huber University of Salzburg Bioanalytisches und strukturbiologisches Seminar, WS 2011-12

2 Department of Molecular Biology Division of Chemistry and Bioanalytics Publication of scientific findings 2 "Publish or perish!" "Veröffentliche oder gehe unter!"

3 Department of Molecular Biology Division of Chemistry and Bioanalytics 3 Forms of scientific publications Master Thesis, PhD Thesis Original paper in Journal Book Review paper in Journal

4 Department of Molecular Biology Division of Chemistry and Bioanalytics Master/PhD Thesis, original paper 4 Must report on original (i.e. novel and previously unpublished) results of scientific investigations. Original research is research that is not exclusively based on a summary, review or synthesis of earlier publications on the subject of research. This material is of a primary source character. The purpose of the original research is to produce new knowledge, rather than to present the existing knowledge in a new form (e.g., summarized or classified). (Quelle: Mentors and principal investigators are in charge of enabling students to perform original research. Original research is generally based on prior knowledge. Publications of original research must clearly relate to prior state of the art, usually in the form of an introduction that puts the original research in a broader scientific context using appropriate references (list of references). Results and information taken from other sources must be clearly identified (by "" or by mentioning source, taken from…, adapted from…). Longer text, graphs or illustrations can be taken from other's work only with permission from the copyright holder (usually the publisher, sometimes the author him/herself, sometimes both).

5 Department of Molecular Biology Division of Chemistry and Bioanalytics Components of a publication 5 Summary/abstract: summarizes the most important and novel findings in the paper. Introduction: scientific context and prior art related to the work, explains the novel aspect of the work performed. Materials and methods: collected to a detail that allows reproduction of the experiments by any expert Results: presentation of the results in the form of text, graphs, and tables Discussion: discussion of the implication of the performed research, putting of the results in a scientific context Conclusions: what new information did we learn from the work performed? Acknowledgements: mentions financial and/or administrative support, funding organizations (DFG, FWF, EC,…); other, non-essential input to the publication that do not justify inclusion into the list of authors. List of references: listing all publications essential for performing the work (usually 20-50).

6 Department of Molecular Biology Division of Chemistry and Bioanalytics How does a publication become reality ? 6 Working hypothesis is set up (mentor + student), experiments are designed and conducted (student) to prove working hypothesis set of raw data. Data is evaluated and put into a scientific context: is the working hypothesis proven or disproven? How are the results put into the context of the current state-of-the-art? Manuscript is written and approved by all coauthors (=all, who contributed) Manuscript is submitted to a suitable Journal. Editor checks for suitability for the Journal and formal criteria. Editor sends manuscript for evaluation to (at least) two experts ("peer reviewers") to ask their opinion about scientific value, reviewers provide written report recommending publication, revision, or rejection; report is transferred to corresponding author via editor, editor decides to accept or ask for revision or reject. Once the editor decides for acceptance, the manuscript is transferred to production team, pre-version is usually posted on the web-site of the Journal = official publication date. Production team sends galley proof for final correction of the whole manuscript by the authors. Manuscript is officially published in printed issue of the Journal (except on-line Journal.

7 Department of Molecular Biology Division of Chemistry and Bioanalytics Availability of publications/citations 7 Publications can/must be available to the public through different means: scientific journals, books, patents, electronic publication via internet, University library, popular publications (Newspaper, Lab Journals, Application notes, Company information, etc.) There are different ways of (unequivocally) identifying a publication: Journal citation: Andreas Premstaller, Herbert Oberacher, and Christian G. Huber*, Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Radiochemistry, Leopold- Franzens-University, Innrain 52a, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria, Anal. Chem., 2000, 72 (18), pp 4386–4393; DOI: 10.1021/ac000283d; Publication Date (Web): August 18, 2000 Patent: Nucleic Acid Separation on Alkylated Nonporous Polymer Beads, Günther, Bonn, Christian Huber, Peter Oefner, Patent Number 5,585,236, Dec 17, 1996 Book citation: Svec, F., Tennikova, T. et al., Eds. (2003). Monolithic Materials. Journal of Chromatography Library. Amsterdam, Elsevier. Website: Others: Kronenzeitung vom 27. 1. 2012, Seite 4

8 Department of Molecular Biology Division of Chemistry and Bioanalytics Journals for publication 8 Acta Crystallographica Section A

9 Department of Molecular Biology Division of Chemistry and Bioanalytics Citations as a criterion of impact/quality? 9 This is the list of previous work deemed essential for conducting the present investigation

10 Department of Molecular Biology Division of Chemistry and Bioanalytics How is the quality of a Journal ranked? 10

11 Department of Molecular Biology Division of Chemistry and Bioanalytics 11 Forscher mobilisieren gegen "Impact Factor" als Leistungs-Kriterium 23. Mai 2013, 11:58 "San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment" gegen einseitige Bewertung wissenschaftlicher Leistung Standard Online, May 25, 2013 Wien - Kaum jemand würde die Fahrkünste eines Autolenkers danach bewerten, ob sich das Modell, in dem er sitzt, besonders gut verkauft oder die Pannenstatistik anführt. Doch die Leistung von Wissenschaftern wird gerne nach einem ähnlichen Kriterium eingestuft, nämlich der Qualität der Zeitschriften, in dem sie ihre Ergebnisse veröffentlicht haben. Diese Unsitte prangern die Herausgeber namhafter Wissenschaftszeitschriften nun in einer Erklärung an, der sich zahlreiche Forscher und Fördergeber wie der österreichische Wissenschaftsfonds FWF angeschlossen haben.

12 Department of Molecular Biology Division of Chemistry and Bioanalytics Impact factors of bioanalytical journals 12

13 Department of Molecular Biology Division of Chemistry and Bioanalytics Impact factors of crystallographic journals 13

14 Department of Molecular Biology Division of Chemistry and Bioanalytics How is the quality of a paper ranked? 14

15 Department of Molecular Biology Division of Chemistry and Bioanalytics How is the quality of a paper ranked? 15

16 Department of Molecular Biology Division of Chemistry and Bioanalytics How is the quality of a researcher ranked? 16

17 Department of Molecular Biology Division of Chemistry and Bioanalytics How is the quality of a researcher ranked? 17

18 Department of Molecular Biology Division of Chemistry and Bioanalytics How is the quality of a researcher ranked? 18

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