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Healthy Body Healthy Mind

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy Body Healthy Mind"— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy Body Healthy Mind
What we can do to look after ourselves

2 What makes us healthy? What we eat What we drink Doing some exercise
Getting enough sleep Keeping ourselves clean Identifying out emotions and talking about how we feel

3 What do you like to eat? How many portions of fruit and veg should you eat a day? Try to keep sweets and sugary things for treats

4 Healthy Drinks What do you like to drink?
How many glasses of water should you have a day? Remember to bring your water bottle to school every day and drink more when it’s hot

5 Keeping ourselves clean
We need to keep ourselves clean to prevent us from getting germs that can make us ill, stop us from smelling unpleasant and to help keep our bodies healthy. As well as washing our bodies and teeth it is also important to change our clothes regularly and make sure we have clean socks and underwear every day. (Feely bag).

6 Exercise and Sleep Exercise, helps make you grow strong bones and muscles, helps you sleep at night, keeps your mind and body active, makes you feel good, helps you get ready to learn.

7 Exercise is good for us! Keeps you fit
Heart health – running around is good for your heart Improves your mood Makes you feel good and helps you relax How much exercise should we do every day? What exercise do you like doing? It’s fun!

8 Sleep Sleep is necessary for survival - all animals including people need to sleep Sleep restores and refreshes us and it is very important for growth development Children Up to the age of 11 usually need 10 hours sleep per night Sleep also gives your brain a chance to make sense of things that have happened during the day Scientists aren't exactly sure what kinds of organizing your brain does while you sleep, but they think that sleep might be the time when the brain sorts and stores information, replaces chemicals, and solves problems It's not just to keep you from getting cranky! Little bodies need slumber to grow and stay healthy. Your muscles, including the heart, repair themselves during sleep.  Your body rests and repairs itself when you are asleep and sleep is very important in order for all body functions. A growth hormone is also produced when you are asleep and dreams also play an important part in helping us to learn better during the day. Sleep also controls the signals that tell your kid if she's hungry or full, which helps keep her at a good weight.

9 Good Sleep Habits Your bedroom should be cool, quiet and comfortable
Things that help you get ready for a good night’s sleep Make sure you are not hungry or thirsty An hour before bed turn off all electronic devices, i-pads, TV, etc and do something relaxing Have a warm bath or shower Go to the toilet Brush your teeth Read a story in bed Do the same thing every night Dinner 1 .5 – 2 hours before bed is a good idea with a snack before bedtime if needed, a warm milky drink before bedtime may help you feel sleepy. Turning off electronics an hour before bed allows the brain to relax, reading a book quietly, doing some drawing or colouring is a good way to relax before bedtime. Removing TVs and electronic devices from the bedroom is good idea because the light they give off interferes with the sleep hormone that we need to grow.

10 What makes us feel happy?

11 Things that make us feel happy
Do something we enjoy Spend time with people we like Go for a walk in the fresh air Do something nice for someone else Listen to music / dance / sing

12 What makes us feel sad?

13 What can we do when we feel worried or sad?
Talk to someone about how you feel : Think about who you would talk to at home and at school What has made you feel this way? Try to do something we enjoy Sometimes it’s hard to talk about how we feel but sharing a problem often makes it better straight away. Think about the things you like to do and things that make you happy and try to remember these when you feel worried or upset.

14 Any Questions? Thank you!

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