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Weight Management for Improved Health and Wellbeing

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1 Weight Management for Improved Health and Wellbeing

2 Weight Management for Improved Health & Wellbeing
Five Top Tips to Drop Extra Pounds Eat Healthy: Stay away from packaged and processed foods; focus on eating fresh foods. Control Portion Sizes: Measure portions until you’re more comfortable with what an adequate portion looks like on your plate. Track Your Meals: Tracking your meals reminds you of what you’re eating and also helps you realize how much you’re eating. Stay Hydrated: At times you may seem hungry, when you actually are just thirsty. A good rule of thumb for determining the amount of water to drink on a daily basis is to drink half of your body weight in ounces. Be Active: Try to schedule a time each day dedicated to getting your heart rate up. Group fitness is a great way to stay active. For those that may suffer from joint issues, try non weight-bearing exercises such as water aerobics or riding a bicycle.

3 Weight Management for Improved Health & Wellbeing
Don’t Let Emotions Control Your Eating Emotional eating is defined by these characteristics: • eating when feeling strong emotions or an intense urge, • craving a certain kind of food, • consuming more food when already full, and • feeling out of control with eating.

4 Weight Management for Improved Health & Wellbeing
Don’t Let Emotions Control Your Eating Suggestions to better manage stress and eating habits: SLEEP Get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation decreases the hormone that makes us feel full. TALK Get support from friends and family. Sharing your concerns can help decrease stress. MOVE Get physical and exercise – walk, take a yoga class, etc. RELAX Meditation, relaxation exercises, reading and taking a bath are all healthy ways to distract yourself and manage your stress. WAIT Take five minutes before you have a snack to see if you still really want it.

5 Weight Management for Improved Health & Wellbeing
Adopting Healthy Habits for Long-Term Success How can you know which weight-loss or weight-management programs will be safe, effective and work best for you? Consult Your Primary Care Physician Participate in Employer-Sponsored Wellness Programs if Available Consider Working with a Certified Health Coach Explore Weight Management Programs such as those offered through TriHealth

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