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Ser To be.

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Presentation on theme: "Ser To be."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ser To be

2 Write out the chart Include Eng / Span pronouns Include -ar, -er, -ir endings Include ser

3 Ser yo soy tú eres él,ella, Ud. es nosotros somos vosotros sois
ellos, ellas, Uds son

4 -AR -ER -IR -o -o -o -as -es -es -a -e -e -amos -emos -imos -áis -éis -ís -an -en -en

5 Ser Permanent conditions Descriptions (physical) Origin / nationality
Profession / occupation / job Time (telling time on clock)

6 Ser We are boys.

7 Ser We are boys. (Nosotros) somos chicos.

8 Ser She is talented.

9 Ser She is talented. Ella es talentosa.

10 Ser They are artistic girls.

11 Ser They are artistic girls. Ellas son chicas artísticas.

12 Ser We (fem) are sociable.

13 Ser We (fem) are sociable. Nosotras somos sociables.

14 Ser They are funny boys.

15 Ser They are funny boys. Ellos son chicos graciosos.

16 Ser The girl is shy.

17 Ser The girl is shy. La chica es reservada.

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